Bradley Manning, the Nuremberg Charter and Refusing to Collaborate with War Crimes  – Prashad Pt 3/4
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Bradley Manning, the Nuremberg Charter and Refusing to Collaborate with War Crimes – Prashad Pt 3/4

In this segment of Reality Asserts Itself, Paul Jay and Vijay Prashad discuss the Chelsea Manning case in light of the 68th anniversary of signing the Nuremberg Charter which states it is illegal to follow orders to commit a war crime. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced August 9, 2013, with Paul Jay.

Questioning the Underlying Structures of Property and Power is  Off the Table – Vijay Prashad Pt 2/4

Questioning the Underlying Structures of Property and Power is Off the Table – Vijay Prashad Pt 2/4

In part two of Reality Asserts Itself, Paul Jay and Vijay Prashad discuss the limits imposed on questioning the roots of inequality and how those who own the majority of property set the terms for everyone else. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced August 8, 2013, with Paul Jay.

The Liberal Elite has Betrayed the People they Claim they Defend – Chris Hedges on RAI (5/7)

The Liberal Elite has Betrayed the People they Claim they Defend – Chris Hedges on RAI (5/7)

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, Chris Hedges says the Democratic Party used to watch out for the interests of labor and even for the poor. But that all changed under Bill Clinton. Although Clinton, like Obama, continues to speak in that feel-your-pain language of traditional liberalism, they’ve completely betrayed the very people that they purport to represent and defend. This episode was produced on July 22, 2013.

We Must Grasp Reality to Build Effective Resistance – Chris Hedges on RAI (3/7)
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We Must Grasp Reality to Build Effective Resistance – Chris Hedges on RAI (3/7)

In the continuation of Paul Jay’s Reality Asserts Itself interview with Chris Hedges, they discuss the fantasy that we can have everything we want and the reality of the grave dangers facing us. This episode was produced on July 18, 2013.

The Military-Industrial Congressional Complex – Lawrence Wilkerson RAI (pt 1/3)

The Military-Industrial Congressional Complex – Lawrence Wilkerson RAI (pt 1/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on October 26, 2009. This talk by Larry Wilkerson was the keynote speech given at an event sponsored by the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence, American University History Department, and American University’s Nuclear Studies Institute on Oct 21, 2009, at American University in Washington, DC.

Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence describes itself as “a movement of former CIA colleagues and other associates of former intelligence analyst Sam Adams, who hold up his example as a model for those in intelligence who would aspire to the courage to speak truth to power”.