A Warning From Chomsky and Ellsberg
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A Warning From Chomsky and Ellsberg

“It’s beyond lunacy,” say Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg. In their 90s, the two men tirelessly fight to warn people of the need for urgent action to deal with climate change and the threat of nuclear war. Joining Paul Jay, they discuss the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the war in Ukraine, and the climate crisis.

Biden’s Bill has Significant Funding for Climate but 10% of What’s Needed – Bob Pollin
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Biden’s Bill has Significant Funding for Climate but 10% of What’s Needed – Bob Pollin

The so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” will have a positive affect on the climate crisis, but it does not phase out fossil fuel and is far from what’s needed. Big industrial states like New York and California can and must go much further. Bob Pollin on theAnalysis.news with Paul Jay.

No Bosses: A New Economy for a Better World (pt 1/3)

No Bosses: A New Economy for a Better World (pt 1/3)

Long-time activist and author Michael Albert outlines his vision for a post-capitalist and classless economic system, known as participatory economics and based on his most recent book, No Bosses (Zer0 Books, 2021). In this first part, Paul Jay and Michael Albert talk about the importance of economic vision and the rationale behind re-organizing the workplace on the basis of self-management and a non-corporate division of labor.

Biden’s China Policy: A More Polite Trump – Amb. Chas Freeman
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Biden’s China Policy: A More Polite Trump – Amb. Chas Freeman

Retired Ambassador Chas Freeman, Nixon’s translator during his 1972 trip to China, says U.S. policy to China remains a desire to hold on to primacy globally and regionally. Biden’s approach so far is not much different than the aggressive posture of Trump. This interview was originally conducted on March 12, 2021.

Putin’s War Driven by Domestic Politics – Boris Kagarlitsky

Putin’s War Driven by Domestic Politics – Boris Kagarlitsky

NATO expansion and the defense of Donbas are not the primary motivations for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, says Kagarlitsky. Stoking nationalism to shore up support for Putin’s government is. Two corrupt oligarchies fight a war that only fossil fuel firms and Western arms manufacturers can win.

To Win We Need Strong Militant Unions – Jane McAlevey pt 6/8

To Win We Need Strong Militant Unions – Jane McAlevey pt 6/8

“We’re not going to win anything in the broader society if we don’t start with the foundation of strong worksite unions and organizing workers who may not agree with us. Under a capitalist system, the single most powerful thing workers can do is walk off the job and stop production.” Jane McAlevey joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news.

Putin’s War Crimes Follow in the Steps of American War Crimes – Denis Pilash pt 2/2

Putin’s War Crimes Follow in the Steps of American War Crimes – Denis Pilash pt 2/2

The invasion of Ukraine is a reflection of the crisis of global capitalism. That said, Putin may have believed he would face the same impunity that was the case with the Western imperialist powers after invading Iraq, says Ukrainian activist Denis Pilash on theAnalysis.news.

Is China Socialist or State Capitalist? – Hudson and Bond pt 1/2
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Is China Socialist or State Capitalist? – Hudson and Bond pt 1/2

Will China resist financialization and lead the way on climate policy, or is it a form of capitalism that will not reduce inequalities much further and isn’t serious about phasing out fossil fuel? Michael Hudson and Patrick Bond in a discussion about what we can expect from the CCP. Note: this was recorded before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Ukrainian Buzarov and Russian Buzgalin on the Conflict in Ukraine

Ukrainian Buzarov and Russian Buzgalin on the Conflict in Ukraine

In an interview recorded on Feb. 23rd, Buzarov says the Russians have invaded and violated Ukrainian sovereignty. Buzgalin says the people of Donbass have a right to independence if they choose, but a peace movement should be built to oppose the oligarchs and bureaucrats on all sides who are inflaming the situation for profits.