Reagan, the Media and the United States of Amnesia – “The Reagans” part 5/5
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Reagan, the Media and the United States of Amnesia – “The Reagans” part 5/5

Reagan created the model for Trump. Reagan flipped the media industrial complex in America on its head and was not just a hero to the Republican Party; he was a hero to American media. Matt Trynauer, director of the documentary series “The Reagans,” joins Paul Jay on This interview was originally published on March 31, 2021.

Can You Destroy $20 Billion in Wealth Without Committing a Crime? – Bill Black

Can You Destroy $20 Billion in Wealth Without Committing a Crime? – Bill Black

The U.S. SEC has opened an investigation into Archegos Capital’s Bill Hwang and trades that led to $20 billion in losses for his firm and perhaps billions more for various banks. What kind of perverted system allows such chaos? Bill Black on with Paul Jay.

Haiti: Canada & U.S. Support Coups and Dictators
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Haiti: Canada & U.S. Support Coups and Dictators

In Haiti, President Moise refused to leave when his term was over, and hundreds of thousands have protested in the streets demanding his resignation. Canada and the U.S. have supported dictators and coups in Haiti for decades. Joining Paul is Jafrik Ayiti, an author, radio show host, public speaker, activist, artist; and Yves Engler, a Montreal-based activist, and author.

Is Biden a Transformational President? Rightwinger David Brooks Thinks So

Is Biden a Transformational President? Rightwinger David Brooks Thinks So

The corporate sector mostly supports the stimulus package as fears of inflation have subsided and it wants the economy to expand. Many of Biden’s policies are very progressive and open a path for the left to fight to make them permanent. But have no illusions about the class character of the Biden administration or its foreign policy. Paul Heideman (Jacobin) and Paul Jay discuss what the left should do, on

US Bombing in Syria Illegal; Biden Should Rejoin Iran Agreement Now – Bennis/Wilkerson

US Bombing in Syria Illegal; Biden Should Rejoin Iran Agreement Now – Bennis/Wilkerson

The bombing of Syria was a violation of U.S. and International law. It was the U.S. that violated the nuclear deal with Iran and Biden should rejoin the agreement without new conditions. Phyliss Bennis and Larry Wilkerson join Paul Jay on

Is Protecting the Murderous Crown Prince in the National Interest? – Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson

Is Protecting the Murderous Crown Prince in the National Interest? – Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson

In whose “national interest” is an alliance a with a criminal state that sponsors terrorism, viciously suppresses domestic dissent, acts against democratic movements, and promotes war in the region? Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson join Paul Jay on with Paul Jay.

Progressives Must Revitalize the Labor Movement – Noam Chomsky
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Progressives Must Revitalize the Labor Movement – Noam Chomsky

Trump didn’t win the working class, the Democrats lost it; it’s urgent that progressive organizing focus on the working class and unions – human civilization depends on it. There should be a focus on union organizing at Amazon. Noam Chomsky on with Paul Jay.

Trump’s Treason and McConnell’s Mayhem – Paul Jay

Trump’s Treason and McConnell’s Mayhem – Paul Jay

(This video is based on the article released earlier.) Did Donald Trump attempt a military coup against the incoming Biden administration? Did Mitch McConnell, as majority leader of the Senate and the person who is ultimately responsible for the Capitol Hill Police, deliberately allow the protestors into the Capitol Buildings? Why is mainstream media so quiet about what’s so obvious?

Trump Should be Charged with Sedition and Treason; McConnell’s Role Should be Investigated – Paul Jay

Trump Should be Charged with Sedition and Treason; McConnell’s Role Should be Investigated – Paul Jay

Did Donald Trump attempt to organize a military coup against the incoming Biden administration? Did Mitch McConnell, as majority leader of the Senate and the person who is ultimately responsible for the Capitol Hill Police, deliberately allow the protestors into the Capitol Buildings? Why is mainstream media so quiet about what’s so obvious?

The Global Consequences of Jan. 6 and the Mass Base of Fascism – Gerald Horne
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The Global Consequences of Jan. 6 and the Mass Base of Fascism – Gerald Horne

How has the turmoil of Jan 6th and talk of coups affected American ability to control global events, especially as regards to China? The basis for fascism exists in the U.S. as a significant number of people who voted for Trump support a more racist and repressive state. Historian Gerald Horne on with Paul Jay.

Where is Biden’s Foreign Policy Headed? – Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson
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Where is Biden’s Foreign Policy Headed? – Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson

Biden has appointed many old guard interventionists and new Cold Warriors, but there is some hope for a better Iran policy. Watch out for attempts by Israel to scuttle the nuclear deal. A wide-ranging discussion with Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson on with Paul Jay.

Putin and Navalny Both Represent Big Russian Capital – Alexander Buzgalin

Putin and Navalny Both Represent Big Russian Capital – Alexander Buzgalin

The recent protests in Russia were more about the failed economic policies of Putin than support for Navalny, whose program may be even worse than Putin’s. The West loves Navalny because they think he will open Russia to U.S. finance capital. From Moscow, Prof. Alexander Buzgalin joins with Paul Jay.

What Can Sanders Do as Budget Chair? – Rob Johnson

What Can Sanders Do as Budget Chair? – Rob Johnson

As Chair of the Senate Budget Committee, Bernie Sanders can force votes on Medicare for All and cuts to the military budget. He will face opposition from the GOP and within the Democratic Party. Rob Johnson was a Senior Economist for the Budget Committee and Chief Economist for the Senate Banking Committee. He joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Rashida Tlaib – Remove Members of Congress Who Incited Riot and Demand Real Change From Biden

Rashida Tlaib – Remove Members of Congress Who Incited Riot and Demand Real Change From Biden

Congresswoman Tlaib says impeach Trump and use the 14th amendment against others responsible for attack on the Capitol. Tlaib says people should demand Biden urgently deal with poverty and inequality and not cater to corporate interests. Rashida Tlaib on with Paul Jay.

Our Dear Friend Leo Panitch has Passed

Our Dear Friend Leo Panitch has Passed

Leo was a treasured friend, a mentor, and a formidable fighter for humanity and socialist ideals. He saw the big picture with profound depth and took the time to teach our kids how to make paper airplanes and produce puppet shows. He leaves an unparalleled body of work and a gaping hole in hearts around the world. This is a collection of interviews with Leo, who gave great encouragement to creating

The Democratic Party and the War Machine – Vijay Prashad
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The Democratic Party and the War Machine – Vijay Prashad

The roots of the Democratic Party’s foreign policy are found in WWII, the atomic bombing of Japan and militarization during the Cold War. Biden supported the Iraq War but fought for the nuclear agreement with Iran. What should we expect from his administration? Vijay Prashad joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Divisions in Democratic Party Based on Interest, Not Tactics – Norman Solomon

Divisions in Democratic Party Based on Interest, Not Tactics – Norman Solomon

Corporate Democrats see market economies as the future and love to see rich people get richer. The left wants a society where government is committed to health care, education, and housing as a human right. The question is, how can a progressive movement grow strong enough to force the Biden administration to deliver on a more democratic-socialist and non-militarist agenda? Norman Solomon on podcast with Paul Jay.

Democrats Stuck Between “BlackRock and a Hard Place” – Rana Foroohar and Mark Blyth
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Democrats Stuck Between “BlackRock and a Hard Place” – Rana Foroohar and Mark Blyth

Democrats are caught in structural hypocrisy as they juggle the interests of Wall. St, workers, the right-wing and the progressive wing of the party. Rana Foroohar and Mark Blyth join Paul Jay on podcast.