Venezuela’s Opposition Split Over Election Boycott

Venezuela’s Opposition Split Over Election Boycott

Temir Porras, a former advisor to Venezuelan Presidents Chavez and Maduro, argues that the opposition’s division over boycotting the upcoming parliamentary election could end up marginalizing the extreme-right opposition faction and thus lead to a normalization of politics in Venezuela. Hosted by Greg Wilpert, author of “Changing Venezuela by Taking Power, The History and Policies of the Chavez Government.”

Biden Not Phasing Out Fossil Fuel,  Relies on Carbon Capture – Robert Pollin

Biden Not Phasing Out Fossil Fuel, Relies on Carbon Capture – Robert Pollin

While better than Trump’s climate denial, a review of the Biden climate plan reveals an over reliance on unproven carbon capture and far too limited investment in solar and wind. Biden positions the plan as part of rivalry with China instead of climate cooperation. Bob Pollin joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Return to Kandahar – a film by Paul Jay and Nelofer Pazira

Return to Kandahar – a film by Paul Jay and Nelofer Pazira

In light of the American withdrawal from Afghanistan, we are reposting Paul Jay’s and Nelofer Paziras’s documentary ‘Return to Kandahar’. Originally released in 2003, this film follows Nelofer Pazira, as she returns from Canada to Afghanistan to seek out her childhood friend Dyana. While living under vicious Taliban rule, Dyana wrote Nelofer a haunting letter that ended, “you will have to live for both of us now”. Fearing the worst, in 2002 after the fall of the Taliban government, Nelofer searches for her lost friend. Landing in Kabul 13 years after her family left Russian-occupied Afghanistan, Nelofer unravels her past and the history of her country. The epic journey takes her to Kabul, Kandahar, and Masir-e-Sharif. Incisively weaving Nelofer’s personal story with that of Afghanistan itself, Return To Kandahar shows a country once again in the grip of warlords and the U.S “war on terror”.

Only a Mass Movement Can Make Biden Deliver on Promises – Branco Marcetic

Only a Mass Movement Can Make Biden Deliver on Promises – Branco Marcetic

Will Joe Biden cast aside decades of conservative political wisdom and lead us to an FDR style presidency he’s talked about, or is this another case of Biden telling voters exactly what he thinks they want to hear? Branco Marcetic author of ‘Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden’, joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Why Did Americans Accept Barbaric Slaughter of Japanese Civilians? – Peter Kuznick

Why Did Americans Accept Barbaric Slaughter of Japanese Civilians? – Peter Kuznick

In 1939, President Roosevelt called on nations at war to refrain from the “inhuman barbarism” of targeting civilians. In 1945, the U.S. firebombed Japanese cities and dropped nuclear weapons killing hundreds of thousands. On the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Peter Kuznick joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Biden’s Climate Plan Won’t Prevent Catastrophe – Dayton Martindale
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Biden’s Climate Plan Won’t Prevent Catastrophe – Dayton Martindale

While Biden’s latest climate plan is much improved, it’s far short of what scientists say is needed. Biden’s aggressive rhetoric will not help build a joint climate plan with China, a crucial step for any global plan to succeed. Dayton Martindale joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Make the Fed Publicly Owned and the Foundation of a Public Banking System – Gerald Epstein

Make the Fed Publicly Owned and the Foundation of a Public Banking System – Gerald Epstein

The Federal Reserve has been subsidizing the megabanks, but what’s needed is an institution that provides the backstop, the loan guarantees, the subsidies, the lines of credit, et cetera, to support the development of a whole variety of public financial institutions. Gerald Epstein on podcast with Paul Jay.

Trump gets no special protections because he’s president and must release financial records, Supreme Court rules

Trump gets no special protections because he’s president and must release financial records, Supreme Court rules

Investigators are trying to follow the president’s money, and the Supreme Court just gave them the green light. Alex Wong/Getty Images Stanley M. Brand, Pennsylvania State University In a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that President Donald Trump has no immunity, by virtue of being president, from a state grand jury subpoena for…

Risking the Apocalypse for Dollars – Paul Jay

Risking the Apocalypse for Dollars – Paul Jay

U.S. nuclear war strategy is driven by an arms industry that’s willing to risk the end of life on earth to maximize return on their investment. The manufacturers of nuclear weapons are now primarily owned by Blackrock and other institutional investors who profit from a renewed nuclear arms race. Paul Jay is the guest on “Law and Disorder” hosted by Michael Smith.