Canada vs USA, Public vs Private Healthcare –  Mario Seccareccia

Canada vs USA, Public vs Private Healthcare – Mario Seccareccia

The Canadian public healthcare system has not been perfect, but it’s the privately owned facilities that have failed badly. Mario Seccareccia on podcast with Paul Jay. Transcript Paul Jay Hi, I’m Paul Jay, and welcome to podcast. Mario Seccareccia is an emeritus professor at the Department of Economics, University of Ottawa, where since…

Assange, Sheldon Adelson, and the CIA – Max Blumenthal

Assange, Sheldon Adelson, and the CIA – Max Blumenthal

With the death of Sheldon Adelson, we replay this interview with Max Blumenthal. The CIA used an Adelson controlled company to spy on Julian Assange. Billionaire Casino owner Sheldon Adelson was a key player in making Trump president; has a history of money laundering; consorting with organized crime families; is a fervent supporter of the Israeli right, and advocates for attacking Iran. Max Blumenthal joins Paul Jay on podcast.

The Promise and Limits of Black Lives Matter – Cedric Johnson

The Promise and Limits of Black Lives Matter – Cedric Johnson

Does the “Black Lives Matter” framing of the protests undermine the potential for much broader alliances? It’s not just black people who are being over-policed, it’s all working-class people and in particular, the most dispossessed. Cedric Johnson joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Trump a Unique Danger; Unaccountable to Ruling Elites or Public – Phyllis Bennis

Trump a Unique Danger; Unaccountable to Ruling Elites or Public – Phyllis Bennis

Trump inspires the most reactionary, racist, Islamophobic, xenophobic sectors of U.S. Population; Biden represents a more pragmatic imperialism and a socially liberal approach on domestic issues, says Phyllis Bennis on podcast with Paul Jay. (photo by T.C.Hall Media)

Pollin: Nationalize Fossil Fuels and Create Public Banks

Pollin: Nationalize Fossil Fuels and Create Public Banks

The collapse of oil prices is an opportunity for a public takeover of the fossil fuel industry and replace it with sustainable energy. As the depression deepens, it is also the time for large publicly owned banks to weaken the economic and political power of finance. Economist Robert Pollin joins Paul Jay on podcast

A Warning of a Neocon Conspiracy – The Last Interview of Ambassador Joe Wilson (pt 1/6)

A Warning of a Neocon Conspiracy – The Last Interview of Ambassador Joe Wilson (pt 1/6)

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay: In the last interview before his death in September 2019, Ambassador Joe Wilson says that a neocon conspiracy will use a compliant Trump in a march towards war – Watch out for a “war-time” President in 2020. Wilson’s wife Valerie Plame was outed as a CIA officer by VP Cheney’s office after Wison exposed lies that lead up to the Iraq War. The story was depicted in the movie “Fair Game”, Wilson was played by Sean Penn. PT (01/06)

Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld Guilty of War Crimes – Ambassador Joe Wilson’s Last Interview pt2/6

Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld Guilty of War Crimes – Ambassador Joe Wilson’s Last Interview pt2/6

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay: Amb. Joe Wilson says the militarists that ordered the Iraq war should be prosecuted in The Hague for war crimes and crimes against humanity. In this segment, Wilson tells the story of the lies behind the famous 16 words of Pres. Bush’s State of the Union. Wilson says he believes it possible that Bush/Cheney knowingly allowed 9/11 to happen. PT (02/06)

Military-Industrial Congressional Frauds – Lester Earnest on RAI Pt 2/5

Military-Industrial Congressional Frauds – Lester Earnest on RAI Pt 2/5

Corporations bribed politicians—it’s legal, it’s called campaign contributions—and they funded projects the Defense Department contracted out, giving the crooks a lot of money; that’s still going strong today – says Lester Earnest, founder of the AI Lab at Stanford. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 26, 2018.

Hitman Hart: Wrestling With Shadows

Hitman Hart: Wrestling With Shadows

Bret Hart, five times’ champion of the World Wrestling Federation, sits in a hotel room – one day before the most important fight of his life. Sure, it’s just professional wrestling, but this match is different. It will be Bret’s last in the WWF, a company for whom he’s been the top guy and loyal champion for years. The owner of the company, the legendary Vince McMahon, want’s him out, only months after signing an unprecedented twenty years contract.

Now he want’s him to lose his final match as well. It’s not just another wrestling show for Bret. This fight will determine how his character ‘The Hitman’, wrestling’s favorite good guy for the last decade, will be remembered. Sitting in a hotel room, one day before the match. What Bret doesn’t know, is that he will be the target of the biggest double cross in the history of professional wrestling.

Over the span of one year, an award winning documentary film crew followed Bret Hart. They hoped for an unprecedented look behind the scenes of the WWF. What they got was the most dramatic story in the history of wrestling. HITMAN HART is a story about loyalty and betrayal, money and greed, dignity and disgrace. It’s about fathers and sons, fans and icons, and keeping one’s integrity in a world of moral uncertainty. In a word, it’s a film about being human.

U.S. Hoped Putin Would be a ‘Sober Yelstin’ – RAI Stephen Cohen (3/5)

U.S. Hoped Putin Would be a ‘Sober Yelstin’ – RAI Stephen Cohen (3/5)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 23, 2019, with the late Stephen Cohen. After the fall of the Soviet Union, a dysfunctional and pro-American Russian President Yeltsin presided over the chaos of the 1990s; when Putin came to power, the West was very disappointed at the independent and nationalist character of the Putin led state and the demonization began.

Is Trump for Detente With Russia and Militarism With China and Iran – RAI Stephen Cohen (2/5)

Is Trump for Detente With Russia and Militarism With China and Iran – RAI Stephen Cohen (2/5)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 18, 2019, with the late Stephen Cohen. Trump’s stated aim is to reduce tensions with Russia, but is it motivated by peaceful objectives or is it preparations for aggression towards Iran and China – Stephen Cohen joins host Paul Jay for a spirited discussion.

The Military-Industrial Congressional Complex – Lawrence Wilkerson RAI (pt 3/3)

The Military-Industrial Congressional Complex – Lawrence Wilkerson RAI (pt 3/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on October 28, 2009. This talk by Larry Wilkerson was the keynote speech given at an event sponsored by the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence, American University History Department, and American University’s Nuclear Studies Institute on Oct 21, 2009, at American University in Washington, DC.

Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence describes itself as “a movement of former CIA colleagues and other associates of former intelligence analyst Sam Adams, who hold up his example as a model for those in intelligence who would aspire to the courage to speak truth to power”.

Lost in Las Vegas

Lost in Las Vegas

Paul Jay’s Lost in Las Vegas (2001), is a film about reality and fantasy, money and morality, and the price one pays to chase a dream. Vegas is the place where the American soul is most naked and extreme. Is Vegas a bizarre distortion of American values, or is it the shape of things to come?

Pope Francis Confronts the “Idolatry of Money” – RAI with Matthew Fox Pt 7/8

Pope Francis Confronts the “Idolatry of Money” – RAI with Matthew Fox Pt 7/8

With his criticism of excessive capitalism and of climate change, Pope Francis has become the target of the far-right, and especially of the secretive Opus Dei sect within the Catholic Church, explains former priest Matthew Fox. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced August 20, 2019.