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Can we save Assange? We will not give up! Abby Martin, Snowden, Chomsky & others speak out!

In this video, acTVism compiled past statements by leading intellectuals, journalists, whistleblowers, etc. that provide context to the Assange case and also warn of the consequences that the extradition of Assange will have on democracy. These statements were made before a British court ruled in favor of the U.S. to extradite Assange.

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  1. I applaud the excellent work you do, It’s so important. I know this sounds trivial in comparison, but can you please drop the aggressive intrusive “music’? I had to watch this using subtitles.

  2. I agree with Paul Lambert. The background music of this video is intrusive. A welcome alternative would be a loop of someone from “theAnalysis.news” riffing on their saxaphone. Aaron Copeland’s “Fanfare for the Common Man” would be inspiring, but it’s probably under copyright.

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