Imperialism Then and Now: Wealth, Unemployment, and Insufficient Demand- Pt 1/3 Prabhat Patnaik

Imperialism Then and Now: Wealth, Unemployment, and Insufficient Demand- Pt 1/3 Prabhat Patnaik

Imperialism which existed in the colonial era persists to this day and the system cannot do without it. In a 3 Part series, Prabhat Patnaik discusses his read on the history of capitalism from colonialism into the present. Prabhat Patnaik reviews the connection between imperialism and capitalism through history to stress that by necessity of the accumulation of wealth, somewhere demand has to be suppressed to provide cheap inputs to ‘the markets’. The colonialist relation is retained to the present, with changing subjects.

Imperialism Then and Now: Capital Relocation, Inequality, Encroachment and Protracted Crisis -Pt 3/3

Imperialism Then and Now: Capital Relocation, Inequality, Encroachment and Protracted Crisis -Pt 3/3

In a 3 Part series, Prabhat Patnaik discusses his read on the history of capitalism from colonialism into the present. Prabhat Patnaik shows that as capital is relocated, real wages do not rise, inequality widens, and global demand is suppressed. The system remains in protracted crisis, Keynesianism in the North alone is no solution. The struggle is everywhere.

Imperialism Then and Now: Drain of Wealth, Depression, Role of the State and Globalization-Pt 2/3

Imperialism Then and Now: Drain of Wealth, Depression, Role of the State and Globalization-Pt 2/3

Imperialism which existed in the colonial era persists to this day and the system cannot do without it. In a 3 Part series, Prabhat Patnaik discusses his read on the history of capitalism from colonialism into the present. Prabhat Patnaik explains how the colonial system led to depression. Then, in advanced countries governments stepped in to increase demand and productivity, but how unless the periphery is available for extraction of wealth and cheap provision of inputs the system would collapse. So, the Global South was absorbed by a globalization process where finance becomes predominant, income deflation is widespread and governments everywhere are turned into the servants of financialization.

To Get Us Out of Poverty, We Need a Massive Infrastructure Plan  – Ann Morrison / Wisconsin

To Get Us Out of Poverty, We Need a Massive Infrastructure Plan – Ann Morrison / Wisconsin

In a report from rural Wisconsin, Ann Morrison says she and her neighbours are suffering from decades of neglect as the local economy has been wrecked by neoliberal polices from both major parties. She calls for an FDR style New Deal and to stop blaming the poor for poverty.

How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Trillions – Chuck Collins
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How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Trillions – Chuck Collins

Chuck Collins, a member of Patriotic Millionaires, has unraveled how the super-rich use the wealth defense industry to gain power in its efforts to hoard and hide their clients’ assets. As a result, it becomes a parasitical appendage on the real productive economy, extracting rents and fees from the wealthy and enterprising sectors of the economy. Mr. Collins joins Paul Jay on

Bill Black pt 6/9 – The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One
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Bill Black pt 6/9 – The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One

Bill continues his history of modern financial fraud in America. He says the dark side of “financial discipline”, is the Merrill Lynch’s and Goldman Sachs of the world don’t provide discipline. They provide cash. They fund the expansion knowing it’s crap because they know as long as it’s going up, they personally, not Goldman, they personally will make a ton of money. Bill Black on with Paul Jay.

Bill Black pt 4/9 – The Best Way to Rob a Bank is To Own One

Bill Black pt 4/9 – The Best Way to Rob a Bank is To Own One

The weakness of regulations and resources to enforce accountability on the finance sector is by design. Regulators’ budgets have been gutted, and even weak laws made unenforceable. Unless individual bankers go to jail when they commit fraud, nothing will change. Bill Black on with Paul Jay.

Modest Inflation is Good for Workers – Bob Pollin

Modest Inflation is Good for Workers – Bob Pollin

Will a large infrastructure plan create inflation? If inflation is linked to higher wages, that’s not bad for workers, says Pollin. Large increases in inflation have been linked to higher oil prices which are unlikely. What’s missing from the Biden plan is it doesn’t sufficiently address a just transition for fossil fuel workers. Bob Pollin joins with Paul Jay.

Can You Destroy $20 Billion in Wealth Without Committing a Crime? – Bill Black

Can You Destroy $20 Billion in Wealth Without Committing a Crime? – Bill Black

The U.S. SEC has opened an investigation into Archegos Capital’s Bill Hwang and trades that led to $20 billion in losses for his firm and perhaps billions more for various banks. What kind of perverted system allows such chaos? Bill Black on with Paul Jay.

Democrats Stuck Between “BlackRock and a Hard Place” – Rana Foroohar and Mark Blyth
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Democrats Stuck Between “BlackRock and a Hard Place” – Rana Foroohar and Mark Blyth

Democrats are caught in structural hypocrisy as they juggle the interests of Wall. St, workers, the right-wing and the progressive wing of the party. Rana Foroohar and Mark Blyth join Paul Jay on podcast.

What is to be Done to Save the Planet  – Robert Pollin
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What is to be Done to Save the Planet – Robert Pollin

Robert Pollin and Noam Chomsky’s new book is titled, The Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal: The Political Economy of Saving the Planet. In this segment, Bob lays out the policies that must be enacted in order to meet the targets set by the IPCC. Bob Pollin joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Is Trump the Tip of a More Coherent Fascist Spear?
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Is Trump the Tip of a More Coherent Fascist Spear?

Is the level of political discourse a reflection of the rise of fascism in the United States? Will Biden set the stage for a more dangerous far-right demagogue? Adolph Reed and Leo Panitch say organizing a renewed labor movement is crucial for defeating the rise of fascism. On podcast with Paul Jay

How Deep Will the Depression Get? – Rana Foroohar and Mark Blyth
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How Deep Will the Depression Get? – Rana Foroohar and Mark Blyth

Rana Foroohar, Financial Times columnist and author (Don’t Be Evil: How Big Tech Betrayed Its Founding Principles), and Mark Blyth, political economist and author (Angrynomics), join Paul Jay for a wide-ranging conversation about the deepening depression, inequality, and China. On podcast.

Artificial Intelligence in Whose Interests?  – RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 6/6
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Artificial Intelligence in Whose Interests? – RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 6/6

On Reality Asserts Itself, Ms. Foroohar and host Paul Jay discuss the merging of finance and big tech and the threat AI poses to working people and the economy; they also discuss the potential of AI in addressing the climate crisis and making a more rational and equal society possible – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced May 9, 2018.

The Rich Have an Escape Plan –  RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 5/6
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The Rich Have an Escape Plan – RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 5/6

On Reality Asserts Itself, Ms. Foroohar says many wealthy people understand that the climate crisis, deep recession, and war are real threats, but they believe “apres moi le deluge [after me comes the floods];” the Financial Times columnist and author of “Makers and Takers” said many of the rich have escape plans thinking “they can avoid the apocalypse” – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced May 9, 2018.

Sociopaths Rise to the Top RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 4/6
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Sociopaths Rise to the Top RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 4/6

On Reality Asserts Itself, Ms. Foroohar says growing inequality and record student, household and corporate debt is creating a dangerous bubble, similar to the lead up to the ’29 crash; the Financial Times columnist and author of “Makers and Takers” says a few on Wall St. see it, but most businesses are doing too well to care – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced May 9, 2018.

Clinton’s ‘Committee to Save the World’ Unleashes Wall Street – RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 3/6
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Clinton’s ‘Committee to Save the World’ Unleashes Wall Street – RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 3/6

On Reality Asserts Itself, Ms. Foroohar says President Bill Clinton’s finance team further deregulated Wall St. including eliminating Glass-Steagall legislation allowing even riskier investments; the Financial Times columnist and author of “Makers and Takers” says this helped create the world’s largest financial institution—Citigroup— headed by Clinton’s former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced May 9, 2018.

Apple, Market Manipulation and the Cult of Personal Finance  – RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 2/6
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Apple, Market Manipulation and the Cult of Personal Finance – RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 2/6

On Reality Asserts Itself, Ms. Foroohar says the legalization of stock buybacks in 1982 allowed companies like Apple to now spend only 15% of their investments on R&D, while the majority is spent on market manipulation; the Financial Times columnist and author of “Makers and Takers” said the move from traditional pensions to 401k’s makes everyone feel they benefit from finance when the vast majority of profits go to the elites and most people’s living standards deteriorate – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced May 9, 2018.

The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business  – RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 1/6
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The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business – RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 1/6

On Reality Asserts Itself, Ms. Foroohar says financialization delivers stagnant wages, inequality, and economic crisis; the Financial Times columnist and author of “Makers and Takers” says the financial sector represents only 7 percent of the U.S. economy but takes around 25 percent of all corporate profit while creating only 4 percent of all jobs – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced May 9, 2018.

Time to Buy Out Fossil Fuel Corporations – Gar Alperovitz on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 2/2)
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Time to Buy Out Fossil Fuel Corporations – Gar Alperovitz on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 2/2)

This interview was originally released on April 28, 2017. The Next System Project’s Gar Alperovitz tells Paul Jay that the Federal Reserve should use quantitive easing, i.e. create money, to take Big Oil companies out of the equation and finance a massive green infrastructure program.

Time to Buy Out Fossil Fuel Corporations – Gar Alperovitz on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 1/2)
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Time to Buy Out Fossil Fuel Corporations – Gar Alperovitz on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 1/2)

This interview was originally released on April 28, 2017. The Next System Project’s Gar Alperovitz tells Paul Jay that the Federal Reserve should use quantitive easing, i.e. create money, to take Big Oil companies out of the equation and finance a massive green infrastructure program.

What Happened to Making Steel in Baltimore? – Mark Reutter on Reality Asserts Itself (2/3)

What Happened to Making Steel in Baltimore? – Mark Reutter on Reality Asserts Itself (2/3)

This interview was originally published on February 24, 2015. Mark Reutter, author of Making Steel: Sparrows Point and the Rise and Ruin of American Industrial Might, talks about why steel production collapsed across America.

What Happened to Making Steel in Baltimore? – Mark Reutter on Reality Asserts Itself (1/3)

What Happened to Making Steel in Baltimore? – Mark Reutter on Reality Asserts Itself (1/3)

This interview was originally published on February 23, 2015. Mark Reutter, author of Making Steel: Sparrows Point and the Rise and Ruin of American Industrial Might, talks about why steel production collapsed across America.

The Necessity for Higher Wages – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI Pt 4/5
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The Necessity for Higher Wages – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI Pt 4/5

Mr. Flassbeck, former head of UNCTAD, says we’re going into the Japanese scenario, a stagnation with a kind of deflation because we have no purchasing power in the hands of the mass of the consumers. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 31, 2014, with Paul Jay.

The U.S. Dollar and the Search for a  Reasonable  Capitalist –  Heiner Flassbeck on RAI Pt 3/5
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The U.S. Dollar and the Search for a Reasonable Capitalist – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI Pt 3/5

On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Flassbeck says the stock market bubble can burst at any moment because everybody knows there is no real growth behind it; then we are really in trouble as the whole effect of stabilization will disappear in one moment. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 31, 2014, with Paul Jay.

Racing to a Dead End  – Heiner Flassbeck on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 2/5
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Racing to a Dead End – Heiner Flassbeck on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 2/5

Mr. Flassbeck, former head of UNCTAD, says current economic policy is heading back to the 1930s, a race to the bottom, they have no solution at all, we will end up again in trade wars or other wars. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 29, 2014, with Paul Jay.