Biden Not Phasing Out Fossil Fuel,  Relies on Carbon Capture – Robert Pollin

Biden Not Phasing Out Fossil Fuel, Relies on Carbon Capture – Robert Pollin

While better than Trump’s climate denial, a review of the Biden climate plan reveals an over reliance on unproven carbon capture and far too limited investment in solar and wind. Biden positions the plan as part of rivalry with China instead of climate cooperation. Bob Pollin joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Only a Mass Movement Can Make Biden Deliver on Promises – Branco Marcetic

Only a Mass Movement Can Make Biden Deliver on Promises – Branco Marcetic

Will Joe Biden cast aside decades of conservative political wisdom and lead us to an FDR style presidency he’s talked about, or is this another case of Biden telling voters exactly what he thinks they want to hear? Branco Marcetic author of ‘Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden’, joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Biden’s Climate Plan Won’t Prevent Catastrophe – Dayton Martindale
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Biden’s Climate Plan Won’t Prevent Catastrophe – Dayton Martindale

While Biden’s latest climate plan is much improved, it’s far short of what scientists say is needed. Biden’s aggressive rhetoric will not help build a joint climate plan with China, a crucial step for any global plan to succeed. Dayton Martindale joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Risking the Apocalypse for Dollars – Paul Jay

Risking the Apocalypse for Dollars – Paul Jay

U.S. nuclear war strategy is driven by an arms industry that’s willing to risk the end of life on earth to maximize return on their investment. The manufacturers of nuclear weapons are now primarily owned by Blackrock and other institutional investors who profit from a renewed nuclear arms race. Paul Jay is the guest on “Law and Disorder” hosted by Michael Smith.

Pollin: Nationalize Fossil Fuels and Create Public Banks

Pollin: Nationalize Fossil Fuels and Create Public Banks

The collapse of oil prices is an opportunity for a public takeover of the fossil fuel industry and replace it with sustainable energy. As the depression deepens, it is also the time for large publicly owned banks to weaken the economic and political power of finance. Economist Robert Pollin joins Paul Jay on podcast

Clinton, Blair, and Obama Destroyed the Idealism of Politics  – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 3/4
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Clinton, Blair, and Obama Destroyed the Idealism of Politics – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 3/4

On Reality Asserts Itself, actor Gabriel Byrne says his journey as an Irish immigrant helped to radicalize him, as did his disillusionment with leaders who promised transformation and delivered conservatism with a “different tie” – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 26, 2017.

The Miners Strike Taught Me to Think Critically – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 2/4
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The Miners Strike Taught Me to Think Critically – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 2/4

On Reality Asserts Itself, actor Gabriel Byrne says that in the ’70s, being Irish in London was like being a Muslim now; PM Thatcher’s campaign to crush the miners union in 1984 helped him understand how the media were anti-working class and anti-union – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 24, 2017.

From Priesthood to Actor to Activist – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 1/4
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From Priesthood to Actor to Activist – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 1/4

On Reality Asserts Itself, actor and climate activist Gabriel Byrne speaks of growing up in a working-class family that was religious, Irish nationalist, and where joining a seminary made parents proud. He came to understand the injustice of the life working men like his father faced; with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 22, 2017.

RAI with Former Weatherman Bill Ayers – Pt 3/3
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RAI with Former Weatherman Bill Ayers – Pt 3/3

In an interview that took place days before Trump was elected President, Bill Ayers discusses what needs to be done as we head into a ”form of friendly-looking and familiar fascism or some other form of extreme social disintegration”. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 13, 2016, with Paul Jay.

Corporate Media Perpetuates Climate Science Denial – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 4/4
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Corporate Media Perpetuates Climate Science Denial – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 4/4

On Reality Asserts Itself, Gabriel Byrne says that mutant capitalism seeks only profit and corporate media’s agenda avoids the climate crisis; Byrne says its up to us, no superhero will save us – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 27, 2017.