Corruption in Lebanon Propped up by the Transnational Capitalist Elite – Nadim Houry

Corruption in Lebanon Propped up by the Transnational Capitalist Elite – Nadim Houry

Widespread corruption in Lebanon is fostered by the country’s ruling class, whose business interests are enmeshed with those of international finance. Nadim Houry, executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative, explains how Lebanon’s culture of political impunity is tied to the reconstruction agreements put in place in 1990, at the end of the 15-year civil war. The ongoing political deadlock shields the authorities from scrutiny and allows for vulture capitalists such as the former governor of Lebanon’s Central Bank, Riad Salameh, to embezzle the country’s resources. At the same time, ordinary people are faced with crushing inflation.

No Evidence to Support FED 2% Inflation Target – Robert Pollin 

No Evidence to Support FED 2% Inflation Target – Robert Pollin 

The inflation conference at Political Economy Research Institute at UMass Amherst (PERI) presented mounting evidence that raising the rate of interest will only raise unemployment and weaken the bargaining power of low-wage workers and the poor that are already hit hard by the pandemic across the world. Robert Pollin joins Sharmini Peries on

Capitalism’s Structural Crisis and the Global Revolt
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Capitalism’s Structural Crisis and the Global Revolt

According to William I. Robinson, the COVID pandemic has further intensified the structural crisis of global capitalism and has caused numerous uprisings and revolts around the world, which global elites are trying to suppress via militarization, police repression, and surveillance. Robinson joins Greg Wilpert on

Bill Black pt 6/9 – The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One
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Bill Black pt 6/9 – The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One

Bill continues his history of modern financial fraud in America. He says the dark side of “financial discipline”, is the Merrill Lynch’s and Goldman Sachs of the world don’t provide discipline. They provide cash. They fund the expansion knowing it’s crap because they know as long as it’s going up, they personally, not Goldman, they personally will make a ton of money. Bill Black on with Paul Jay.

Bill Black pt 4/9 – The Best Way to Rob a Bank is To Own One

Bill Black pt 4/9 – The Best Way to Rob a Bank is To Own One

The weakness of regulations and resources to enforce accountability on the finance sector is by design. Regulators’ budgets have been gutted, and even weak laws made unenforceable. Unless individual bankers go to jail when they commit fraud, nothing will change. Bill Black on with Paul Jay.

Can You Destroy $20 Billion in Wealth Without Committing a Crime? – Bill Black

Can You Destroy $20 Billion in Wealth Without Committing a Crime? – Bill Black

The U.S. SEC has opened an investigation into Archegos Capital’s Bill Hwang and trades that led to $20 billion in losses for his firm and perhaps billions more for various banks. What kind of perverted system allows such chaos? Bill Black on with Paul Jay.

Peoples’ Lives vs. Profits of Pharmaceutical Monopolies – GPE Newsdocs

Peoples’ Lives vs. Profits of Pharmaceutical Monopolies – GPE Newsdocs

The governments of India and South-Africa backed by about 100 countries and counting are calling for a waiver on patents over COVID-19 related medicines and equipment. Headquarter countries of Big Pharma are opposing it. The debate is going on at the WTO and will be decided soon.

How We Broke the Bank of England – Robert Johnson on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 4/8)

How We Broke the Bank of England – Robert Johnson on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 4/8)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on June 12, 2014. Mr. Johnson says, “I used to tell my dad, if I’m fortunate enough to see St. Peter and get through the gate, I’m not going to get in because I helped knock off the British pound”.

Finance is Building the Architecture of their Own Rules – Robert Johnson on RAI (pt 3/8)

Finance is Building the Architecture of their Own Rules – Robert Johnson on RAI (pt 3/8)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on June 10, 2014. On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Johnson says the scale of the political investment of finance – six, seven hundred million dollars – is overwhelming. With the political power of finance, do we still have a democracy?

Growing Up in the Cauldron of 1960’s Detroit – Robert Johnson on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 1/8)

Growing Up in the Cauldron of 1960’s Detroit – Robert Johnson on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 1/8)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on June 8, 2014. Mr. Johnson, who, while working with George Soros, “broke the Bank of England,” talks about growing up in the turmoil of racial tension and the mass movement against the Vietnam War.