The “Unfriendly” Dictator of Belarus
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The “Unfriendly” Dictator of Belarus

With the Ryanair flight ordered to land and the arrest of a right-wing opposition figure, President Alexander Lukashenko became enemy #2 of the West (after Putin, of course). Western hypocrisy and Russophobia doesn’t make Lukashenko “anti-imperialist,” any less brutal, and certainly not socialist. Paul Jay is joined by Polish journalist Malgorzata Kulbaczewskawho and Bulgarian journalist Boyan Stanislavski for a nuanced and deeper analysis of this volatile region.

Is US Support for Vaccine Patent Waiver Window Dressing?
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Is US Support for Vaccine Patent Waiver Window Dressing?

The U.S. announced its support for patent waivers, but it will be a long, drawn-out process that will make little difference to the catastrophe in India and other poor countries. The U.S. failed to promise to export critical material needed for producing the virus in developing countries. Vijay Prashad and Ricardo Petrella on with Paul Jay.

Haiti: Canada & U.S. Support Coups and Dictators
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Haiti: Canada & U.S. Support Coups and Dictators

In Haiti, President Moise refused to leave when his term was over, and hundreds of thousands have protested in the streets demanding his resignation. Canada and the U.S. have supported dictators and coups in Haiti for decades. Joining Paul is Jafrik Ayiti, an author, radio show host, public speaker, activist, artist; and Yves Engler, a Montreal-based activist, and author.

US Bombing in Syria Illegal; Biden Should Rejoin Iran Agreement Now – Bennis/Wilkerson

US Bombing in Syria Illegal; Biden Should Rejoin Iran Agreement Now – Bennis/Wilkerson

The bombing of Syria was a violation of U.S. and International law. It was the U.S. that violated the nuclear deal with Iran and Biden should rejoin the agreement without new conditions. Phyliss Bennis and Larry Wilkerson join Paul Jay on

Is Protecting the Murderous Crown Prince in the National Interest? – Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson

Is Protecting the Murderous Crown Prince in the National Interest? – Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson

In whose “national interest” is an alliance a with a criminal state that sponsors terrorism, viciously suppresses domestic dissent, acts against democratic movements, and promotes war in the region? Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson join Paul Jay on with Paul Jay.

The Global Consequences of Jan. 6 and the Mass Base of Fascism – Gerald Horne
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The Global Consequences of Jan. 6 and the Mass Base of Fascism – Gerald Horne

How has the turmoil of Jan 6th and talk of coups affected American ability to control global events, especially as regards to China? The basis for fascism exists in the U.S. as a significant number of people who voted for Trump support a more racist and repressive state. Historian Gerald Horne on with Paul Jay.

Ending the War on Yemen?

Ending the War on Yemen?

The Biden administration announced an end to US support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. This is in larger part thanks to the constant activism and mobilization of peace groups around the US. Guest host Greg Wilpert talked to Hassan el Tayyab, the Legislative Manager for Middle East Policy of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, shortly before the announcement was made. He outlines the background of the war, the history of US support, what an end to US support would mean, and what further steps need to be taken to put an end to the devastation in Yemen.

Where is Biden’s Foreign Policy Headed? – Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson
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Where is Biden’s Foreign Policy Headed? – Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson

Biden has appointed many old guard interventionists and new Cold Warriors, but there is some hope for a better Iran policy. Watch out for attempts by Israel to scuttle the nuclear deal. A wide-ranging discussion with Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson on with Paul Jay.

Empire Update: Afghanistan/Somalia Withdrawal Scam; Trump Weighs WWIII – Abby Martin

Empire Update: Afghanistan/Somalia Withdrawal Scam; Trump Weighs WWIII – Abby Martin

The Empire Update for Nov. 23 covering the Grand Finale of Trump’s promise to end the Afghanistan War; what’s really behind the Somalia troop withdrawal; US-backed monarchy sparks new potential war in Africa; State Department takes new action for Israel against BDS movement; and potential for Trump to start a war with Iran on his way out.

Is Trump the Tip of a More Coherent Fascist Spear?
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Is Trump the Tip of a More Coherent Fascist Spear?

Is the level of political discourse a reflection of the rise of fascism in the United States? Will Biden set the stage for a more dangerous far-right demagogue? Adolph Reed and Leo Panitch say organizing a renewed labor movement is crucial for defeating the rise of fascism. On podcast with Paul Jay

Steve Bannon Says War Begins on Nov. 3rd – a podcast with Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

Steve Bannon says only in-person voting should be counted on Nov. 3rd, and there will be a “war” to “stop Biden from stealing” the election. Larry Wilkerson says Trump’s forces are creating conditions for violence in the streets if he is defeated. AOC calls on people to get organized to defeat Trump as part of a larger battle for survival. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Hegemony Abroad Requires a Security State at Home – Ray McGovern Pt 2/2
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Hegemony Abroad Requires a Security State at Home – Ray McGovern Pt 2/2

In this segment of Reality Asserts Itself, Paul Jay and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discuss the relationship between seeking to be the world’s single superpower and the resulting blowback and need to suppress dissent at home. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 4, 2013.

Ex CIA Analyst on Snowden and Calling Journalists Terrorists – Ray McGovern Pt 1/2
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Ex CIA Analyst on Snowden and Calling Journalists Terrorists – Ray McGovern Pt 1/2

In this segment of Reality Asserts Itself, Paul Jay and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discuss the relationship between seeking to be the world’s single superpower and the resulting blowback and need to suppress dissent at home. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 4, 2013.