Haitian Ruling Families Create and Kill Monsters – Host, Paul Jay

Haitian Ruling Families Create and Kill Monsters – Host, Paul Jay

The Haitian oligarchy colludes with the U.S., Canada, foreign corporations, and organized crime to exploit the labor and resources of the country. These families pick “black faces” to front dictatorships that do their bidding and kill them when they are no longer useful. Jafrikayiti joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news. This interview was originally published on July 16, 2021.

Why Did Argentines Elect a Right-Wing Non-Establishment Extremist?

Why Did Argentines Elect a Right-Wing Non-Establishment Extremist?

Argentina elected Javier Milei, a right-wing libertarian populist, as its president on November 19th. Milei won because he represented a clear alternative to Argentina’s untenable economic crisis, says political scientist Atilio Borón. While he will no doubt inflict more pain on Argentina, his ability to privatize everything, though, is not assured because he lacks a majority in Argentina’s legislature.

Lula Wins in Brazil but “Will Have to Tread Very Carefully”

Lula Wins in Brazil but “Will Have to Tread Very Carefully”

A sector of Brazil’s elites became so disenchanted with Bolsonaro they switched to supporting Lula. But now Lula cannot afford to pursue a more radical program, since those elites would oust him, just as they did with Dilma Rousseff in 2016, says São Paulo based writer Alex Hochuli.

This interview was recorded before Jair Bolsonaro conceded.

Reversal of Fortune for Colombia’s Left?

Reversal of Fortune for Colombia’s Left?

Leftist presidential candidate Gustavo Petro and his running mate Francia Márquez were expected to make history on May 29th by becoming shoo-ins for the run-off election. However, despite the strong first-round showing they are now expected to lose the June 19th run-off against a populist right-wing candidate. What happened? Colombia expert Gimena Sánchez of the Washington Office on Latin America joins Greg Wilpert on theAnalysis.news

Does Nicaragua Under President Ortega Deserve Progressives’ Support?

Does Nicaragua Under President Ortega Deserve Progressives’ Support?

UC Santa Barbara Sociology professor William I. Robinson and the Nicaragua-based writer John Perry debate whether Nicaragua under President Ortega con be considered a leftist government, whether US intervention is a factor in that country, and whether the recent presidential election was legitimate.

Burying Neoliberalism in Chile

Burying Neoliberalism in Chile

Gabriel Boric was elected president of Chile on December 20th – probably the most leftist president Chile has elected since Salvador Allende in 1970. Boric promised that while Chile was neoliberalism’s birthplace under Dictator Pinochet, it will now be neoliberalism’s burial place as well. Patricio Zamorano, a Chilean political analyst and director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA.org) talks about what we can expect from a Boric presidency.

Honduras: The End of the Nightmare?

Honduras: The End of the Nightmare?

The election of the leftist Xiomara Castro as Honduras’s first female president means a significant rupture with the country’s recent right-wing – even fascist – past, says Center for the Americas director Laura Carlsen. However, whether Castro will be allowed to actually govern is another question, given that the state is deeply embedded in corruption and drug trafficking.

The War on Cuba Episode 4
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The War on Cuba Episode 4

Cuban journalist Liz Oliva Fernández investigates the mysterious health incidents reported by U.S. diplomatic personnel in Havana in 2017. The incidents — characterized as “sonic attacks,” “microwave attacks” and the “Havana Syndrome” — led to the shuttering of the U.S. Embassy and opened the doors to a barrage of devastating sanctions imposed by Trump and maintained by Biden. Liz interviews scientists from both countries who dismantle the theory that U.S. personnel were attacked. She shows how major media outlets fanned the flames of hysteria and speaks with the Cuban families separated by the near total closure of U.S. consular services.

A Second Pink Tide in Latin America? – Pt 2/2

A Second Pink Tide in Latin America? – Pt 2/2

With the left’s recent electoral successes in Peru and Bolivia, and previously in Mexico and Argentina, does this mean that there is a second so-called “Pink Tide” in Latin America? If so, how do we make sense of the first Pink Tide, its successes and failures, and what might Latin America’s left have learned from the first tide, as it gets ready to take power in several countries? René Rojas, professor at SUNY Binghamton, and Hilary Goodfriend, of Jacobin Magazine Latin America, argue that while the left needs a clearer economic plan, it is at an advantage at the moment because of the right’s disarray across the region.

A Second Pink Tide in Latin America? – Pt 1/2

A Second Pink Tide in Latin America? – Pt 1/2

With the left’s recent electoral successes in Peru and Bolivia, and previously in Mexico and Argentina, does this mean that there is a second so-called “Pink Tide” in Latin America? If so, how do we make sense of the first Pink Tide, its successes and failures, and what might Latin America’s left have learned from the first tide, as it gets ready to take power in several countries? René Rojas, professor at SUNY Binghamton, and Hilary Goodfriend, of Jacobin Magazine Latin America, argue that while the left needs a clearer economic plan, it is at an advantage at the moment because of the right’s disarray across the region.

Biden Reneged on Cuban Campaign Promise – James Early

Biden Reneged on Cuban Campaign Promise – James Early

President Biden broke with Obama’s agreements with Cuba and is continuing Trump’s sanctions and aggressive stance. There are real problems in Cuba, but democratization and economic reforms will be decided by the Cuban people, not the U.S. or the “Miami mafia”. James Early on theAnalysis.news with Paul Jay.

US Institutions Encourage Coup Impunity in Bolivia

US Institutions Encourage Coup Impunity in Bolivia

As Bolivia’s new government under Luis Arce prepares to prosecute the people behind the 2019 coup against Evo Morales, prominent US institutions such as Human Rights Watch, Washington Post, and the State Department urge Arce not to move against them. Ollie Vargas, a journalist and analyst based in Bolivia, says the prosecution is essential at a time when coups are back in vogue in Latin America.

Peru: Left vs. Far-Right – Dramatic Choice in Presidential Election

Peru: Left vs. Far-Right – Dramatic Choice in Presidential Election

Pedro Castillo, a leftist, unexpectedly won first place in Peru’s first-round presidential election last Sunday. However, he now faces far-right second-place finisher, Keiko Fujimori. The outcome was largely due to a completely delegitimized political class in Peru, says Peru analyst Francesca Emanuele.

Haiti: Canada & U.S. Support Coups and Dictators
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Haiti: Canada & U.S. Support Coups and Dictators

In Haiti, President Moise refused to leave when his term was over, and hundreds of thousands have protested in the streets demanding his resignation. Canada and the U.S. have supported dictators and coups in Haiti for decades. Joining Paul is Jafrik Ayiti, an author, radio show host, public speaker, activist, artist; and Yves Engler, a Montreal-based activist, and author.

US Media’s Sins of Omission in Ecuadorian Election Coverage

US Media’s Sins of Omission in Ecuadorian Election Coverage

By omitting crucial information about the recent presidential election in Ecuador, such as how the leftist front-runner Andrés Arauz has had to overcome countless obstacles in order to participate, the US media once again contribute to the effort to undermine a free and fair election, says media analyst and Ecuador specialist Joe Emersberger.

How Trump and Pompeo’s Efforts to Equate BDS with Anti-Semitism Backfires

How Trump and Pompeo’s Efforts to Equate BDS with Anti-Semitism Backfires

Israel analyst Shir Hever speaks to guest host Greg Wilpert about the different ways in which US Secretary of State Pompeo’s latest effort to demonize the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel actually exposes the far right’s internal contradictions and could help BDS in the long run.

Venezuela’s Opposition Split Over Election Boycott

Venezuela’s Opposition Split Over Election Boycott

Temir Porras, a former advisor to Venezuelan Presidents Chavez and Maduro, argues that the opposition’s division over boycotting the upcoming parliamentary election could end up marginalizing the extreme-right opposition faction and thus lead to a normalization of politics in Venezuela. Hosted by Greg Wilpert, author of “Changing Venezuela by Taking Power, The History and Policies of the Chavez Government.”

Bolivia: Bloqueos y una crisis sobre otra
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Bolivia: Bloqueos y una crisis sobre otra

Paul Jay Hola! Soy Paul Jay y bienvenidos al podcast de theAnalysis.news Este episodio se produce en colaboración con Other News. Other News es una plataforma de prensa internacional que difunde análisis, ideas e información sobre temas globales en inglés, español e italiano. Puede encontrarla en other-news.info. La mayoría de las carreteras que interconectan las…

Will Cuban Reforms Create More Inequality  –  James Early on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/3
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Will Cuban Reforms Create More Inequality – James Early on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/3

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, James Early who has visited Cuba more than thirty times says what’s needed is more citizen participation and less centralization but Cuba is not headed towards the Chinese capitalist model. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 18, 2013.