Uphill on the Hill

Uphill on the Hill

Liz Oliva Fernández travels to Washington, D.C., to find out why Joe Biden has embraced Donald Trump’s Cold War-era policy toward Cuba, devastating the island’s economy and fueling unprecedented migration to the U.S. border with Mexico. Oliva Fernández interviews Rep. Jim McGovern, former CIA analyst Fulton Armstrong, and Cuban-American business executive Carlos Gutiérrez, who served as Secretary of Commerce under George W. Bush. Oliva Fernández shows how a handful of extremist Cuban-American politicians have dictated U.S. policy towards Cuba, including designating Cuba a State Sponsor of Terrorism without any evidence. This video was produced by Belly of the Beast Cuba.

Boeing and Baltimore Bridge Scandals: Monopolization and Criminal Negligence? – Katya Schwenk
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Boeing and Baltimore Bridge Scandals: Monopolization and Criminal Negligence? – Katya Schwenk

The fatal crashes of the Boeing 737 MAX passenger aircraft and the recent Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 incident, in which a door-plug blew out after take-off, are consequences of Boeing’s systemic incentivization of profits over safety. Katya Schwenk, reporter at The Lever, discusses the policies of recent administrations to enable Boeing’s industry takeover and criminal negligence, as well as similar practices of covering up safety issues in the shipping industry, which potentially led to the Dali cargo ship’s collapsing of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. 

Reaganism is the Model for Trumpism – Matt Tyrnauer, director of ‘The Reagans’ pt 1/5

Reaganism is the Model for Trumpism – Matt Tyrnauer, director of ‘The Reagans’ pt 1/5

The documentary series “The Reagans” shows that President Ronald Reagan’s roots are corruption, racism, and corporatism. Trumpism is not an anomaly but walks in the footsteps of a right-wing construct to achieve tax cuts for the rich and undoing the New Deal. Director Matt Tynrauer joins theAnalysis.news with Paul Jay. This interview was originally published on January 27, 2021.