Growing Up Privileged in Apartheid, Colonial Israel – Shir Hever on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 1/4)

Growing Up Privileged in Apartheid, Colonial Israel – Shir Hever on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 1/4)

This interview was originally published on July 9, 2014. Mr. Hever says he became politically active after the Second Intifada was repressed with extreme violence by the Israeli military and police.

44 Years in Prison, Still a Revolutionary – Eddie Conway Dies on Feb. 13, 2023
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44 Years in Prison, Still a Revolutionary – Eddie Conway Dies on Feb. 13, 2023

Eddie Conway, a fearless fighter for working people everywhere, died on February 13th. Eddie was a Black Panther who was unjustly imprisoned for 44 years. In his honor we republish a series of biographical interviews hosted by Paul Jay, first released in 2015.

Get Organized to Win! – Jane McAlevey pt 1/8
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Get Organized to Win! – Jane McAlevey pt 1/8

One of the world’s leading “organizers’ organizer” Jane McAlevey has trained thousands of activists in building more militant unions and winning electoral organizing; she sees the fight for effective unions as critical to winning transformative climate policy. Jane tells her story to Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

Ellsberg on Milley, China and the Danger of Nuclear War
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Ellsberg on Milley, China and the Danger of Nuclear War

In a commentary, Daniel Ellsberg explains that Gen. Milley’s call to China may have prevented a near catastrophe, as happened in 1983 when the Soviet Union believed Reagan had gone mad and planned a first strike. He calls for a fundamental change in U.S. nuclear strategy.

9/11 Lies and the National Security State – Thomas Drake
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9/11 Lies and the National Security State – Thomas Drake

Twenty years later, Thomas Drake still says the NSA knew about the 9/11 plotters prior to the attack, and likely reported the intel through a back channel to VP Cheney. Nothing was done to prevent the attack, says Drake a former senior executive at the NSA. Why? To prepare public opinion in favor of invading Iraq. Drake joins Paul Jay on

This interview was originally recorded on September 9, 2021.

From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance, The Man Who Knew Too Much  – Thomas Drake on RAI Pt 6/6

From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance, The Man Who Knew Too Much – Thomas Drake on RAI Pt 6/6

On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Drake says that in the name of national security we are eating out the very heart of democracy; what will be left will be a garrison state. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced August 7, 2015, with Paul Jay.

From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance, The Man Who Knew Too Much  – Thomas Drake on RAI Pt 5/6
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From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance, The Man Who Knew Too Much – Thomas Drake on RAI Pt 5/6

On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Drake tells Host Paul Jay that mass surveillance is not about protecting people, in the end it’s about social control. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced August 5, 2015, with Paul Jay.

From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance, The Man Who Knew Too Much – Thomas Drake on RAI Pt 4/6

From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance, The Man Who Knew Too Much – Thomas Drake on RAI Pt 4/6

On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Drake says the suspension of the Constitution that took place in secret after 9/11, for all intents and purposes, developed with executive orders, regulations, statutes, and oftentimes in cooperation with the Congress – since 1947. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced August 4, 2015, with Paul Jay.

From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance, The Man Who Knew Too Much  – Thomas Drake on RAI Pt 3/6

From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance, The Man Who Knew Too Much – Thomas Drake on RAI Pt 3/6

On Reality Asserts Itself, former NSA senior executive Mr. Drake and host Paul Jay talk about the “dark state” and how 9/11 opens up disturbing questions about power, who we are, who’s in charge and the secret subversion of the U.S. constitution. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced August 3, 2015, with Paul Jay.

From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance, The Man Who Knew Too Much  – Thomas Drake on RAI Pt 2/6

From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance, The Man Who Knew Too Much – Thomas Drake on RAI Pt 2/6

On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Drake, a former Senior Executive at the National Security Agency, says he was targeted by the NSA because he exposed that the agency had intel that could have prevented the 9/11 attacks and because he blew the whistle on a massive secret surveillance program aimed at Americans. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced August 2, 2015, with Paul Jay.

Fannie Lou Hamer and the Racist Dixiecrats – Bob Moses on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 6/9

Fannie Lou Hamer and the Racist Dixiecrats – Bob Moses on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 6/9

Sad news that Bob Moses, a leader of the civil rights movement, died on July 25, 2021. We commemorate his work with a replay of his appearance on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, first released on June 20, 2014. Mr. Moses describes how in 1874 the white racist Democratic Party violently overthrew the Governor of Mississippi (who had been elected by a mostly black Republican Party), and how these Dixiecrats became a wing of the national Democratic Party right up to 1964, when the Mississippi Freedom Democrats ended their reign.

The Road to Freedom Summer – Bob Moses on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 5/9

The Road to Freedom Summer – Bob Moses on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 5/9

Sad news that Bob Moses, a leader of the civil rights movement, died on July 25, 2021. We commemorate his work with a replay of his appearance on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, first released on June 20, 2014. Mr. Moses says one of the main ways we get to Freedom Summer is the assassination of Medgar Evers.

Daniel Ellsberg on the Assange Extradition and Growing Fascism

Daniel Ellsberg on the Assange Extradition and Growing Fascism

[A full video interview] The leaker of the Pentagon Papers says that if Assange is extradited to the U.S., no journalist in the world is safe from being kidnapped to the United States to face life imprisonment for reporting on information like Chelsea Manning released. Daniel Ellsberg joins Paul Jay on podcast.

A Warning of a Neocon Conspiracy – The Last Interview of Ambassador Joe Wilson (pt 1/6)

A Warning of a Neocon Conspiracy – The Last Interview of Ambassador Joe Wilson (pt 1/6)

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay: In the last interview before his death in September 2019, Ambassador Joe Wilson says that a neocon conspiracy will use a compliant Trump in a march towards war – Watch out for a “war-time” President in 2020. Wilson’s wife Valerie Plame was outed as a CIA officer by VP Cheney’s office after Wison exposed lies that lead up to the Iraq War. The story was depicted in the movie “Fair Game”, Wilson was played by Sean Penn. PT (01/06)

Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld Guilty of War Crimes – Ambassador Joe Wilson’s Last Interview pt2/6

Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld Guilty of War Crimes – Ambassador Joe Wilson’s Last Interview pt2/6

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay: Amb. Joe Wilson says the militarists that ordered the Iraq war should be prosecuted in The Hague for war crimes and crimes against humanity. In this segment, Wilson tells the story of the lies behind the famous 16 words of Pres. Bush’s State of the Union. Wilson says he believes it possible that Bush/Cheney knowingly allowed 9/11 to happen. PT (02/06)

Military-Industrial Congressional Frauds – Lester Earnest on RAI Pt 2/5

Military-Industrial Congressional Frauds – Lester Earnest on RAI Pt 2/5

Corporations bribed politicians—it’s legal, it’s called campaign contributions—and they funded projects the Defense Department contracted out, giving the crooks a lot of money; that’s still going strong today – says Lester Earnest, founder of the AI Lab at Stanford. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 26, 2018.

U.S. Hoped Putin Would be a ‘Sober Yelstin’ – RAI Stephen Cohen (3/5)

U.S. Hoped Putin Would be a ‘Sober Yelstin’ – RAI Stephen Cohen (3/5)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 23, 2019, with the late Stephen Cohen. After the fall of the Soviet Union, a dysfunctional and pro-American Russian President Yeltsin presided over the chaos of the 1990s; when Putin came to power, the West was very disappointed at the independent and nationalist character of the Putin led state and the demonization began.

Is Trump for Detente With Russia and Militarism With China and Iran – RAI Stephen Cohen (2/5)

Is Trump for Detente With Russia and Militarism With China and Iran – RAI Stephen Cohen (2/5)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 18, 2019, with the late Stephen Cohen. Trump’s stated aim is to reduce tensions with Russia, but is it motivated by peaceful objectives or is it preparations for aggression towards Iran and China – Stephen Cohen joins host Paul Jay for a spirited discussion.

The Military-Industrial Congressional Complex – Lawrence Wilkerson RAI (pt 3/3)

The Military-Industrial Congressional Complex – Lawrence Wilkerson RAI (pt 3/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on October 28, 2009. This talk by Larry Wilkerson was the keynote speech given at an event sponsored by the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence, American University History Department, and American University’s Nuclear Studies Institute on Oct 21, 2009, at American University in Washington, DC.

Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence describes itself as “a movement of former CIA colleagues and other associates of former intelligence analyst Sam Adams, who hold up his example as a model for those in intelligence who would aspire to the courage to speak truth to power”.

Pope Francis Confronts the “Idolatry of Money” – RAI with Matthew Fox Pt 7/8

Pope Francis Confronts the “Idolatry of Money” – RAI with Matthew Fox Pt 7/8

With his criticism of excessive capitalism and of climate change, Pope Francis has become the target of the far-right, and especially of the secretive Opus Dei sect within the Catholic Church, explains former priest Matthew Fox. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced August 20, 2019.

Sexuality and the End of the Catholic Church – RAI with Matthew Fox (6/8)

Sexuality and the End of the Catholic Church – RAI with Matthew Fox (6/8)

The refusal of the Church to purge abusers and pedophiles from the clergy and accept human sexuality as a blessing, is leading to the end of the Church as we know it, says Matthew Fox on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced June 13, 2019.

Targeted by the Inquisition – RAI with Matthew Fox (5/8)

Targeted by the Inquisition – RAI with Matthew Fox (5/8)

Cardinal Ratzinger, who later became Pope Benedict, launched a campaign in defense of murderous dictatorships in Latin America and to purge the Church of liberation theology and priests like Matthew Fox – on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced June 13, 2019.

Original Sin and the War on Liberation Theology – RAI with Matthew Fox (4/8)

Original Sin and the War on Liberation Theology – RAI with Matthew Fox (4/8)

Former priest Fox talks about questioning the concept of original sin, the assassination of John Paul I, John Paul II reviving the Inquisition led by Cardinal Ratzinger, and the concept that there is no love without justice – Matthew Fox on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced June 10, 2019.

Marx, Catholicism and the Struggle for Justice – RAI with Matthew Fox (3/8)

Marx, Catholicism and the Struggle for Justice – RAI with Matthew Fox (3/8)

Now an Episcopalian priest, Matthew Fox tells of his coming to political consciousness and decision to join the Catholic priesthood, which he saw not as an escape, but as a way to stay in the world – Matthew Fox on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced June 10, 2019.

Is Pope Francis Doing Enough to Root Out Sex Abuse in the Church? – RAI with Matthew Fox (2/8)

Is Pope Francis Doing Enough to Root Out Sex Abuse in the Church? – RAI with Matthew Fox (2/8)

Pope Francis announced new rules requiring pedophilia and sexual abuse to be reported to Church superiors, but survivors are critical, saying police need to be informed – on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced June 4, 2019.

Pope Francis Targeted by Homophobes and Right-Wing Steve Bannon Allies – RAI with Matthew Fox (1/8)

Pope Francis Targeted by Homophobes and Right-Wing Steve Bannon Allies – RAI with Matthew Fox (1/8)

Former priest Matthew Fox discusses the book In the Closet of the Vatican, which depicts a “ring of lust” at the highest levels of the Church, and the campaign to hypocritically “weaponize” sexuality and bring down Pope Francis – on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced June 2, 2019.