Russia Out of Ukraine, Disband NATO – Latvian Politician’s Plan for Peace
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Russia Out of Ukraine, Disband NATO – Latvian Politician’s Plan for Peace

As the war of attrition between Russia and Ukraine continues to exact a catastrophic death toll for civilians and military forces alike, the prospect of a lasting peace remains elusive. Latvian politician Igor Pimenov denounces President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, calling it a colonial war that also adversely affects the Russian population. Pimenov lays out his proposal for a multilateral peace agreement between Ukraine, Russia, and its European neighbors.

To Rule the World, U.S. Tries to Control Every Region – Paul Jay

To Rule the World, U.S. Tries to Control Every Region – Paul Jay

Paul Jay says while the Russian invasion of Ukraine is illegal, brutal, and unnecessary for Russian national security, it takes place within the context of U.S. aims to suppress the growth of potential regional powers like Iran and Russia. Russia was not incorporated into Western Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union because it could have challenged U.S. dominance in the region.

Colleague of Imprisoned Boris Kagarlitsky on Russian Anti-War Opposition – Anna Ochkina

Colleague of Imprisoned Boris Kagarlitsky on Russian Anti-War Opposition – Anna Ochkina

Anna Ochkina is a Russian sociologist and colleague of Marxist sociologist and dissident Boris Kagarlitsky, who has been held in prison by Russian authorities since July 25. She says the authorities don’t actually believe he is a terrorist threat, but it is fear among the elite of his anti-war activism that led to his arrest.

Russian Anti-War Activist – Boris Kagarlitsky Arrested – Paul Jay

Russian Anti-War Activist – Boris Kagarlitsky Arrested – Paul Jay

Paul Jay and Talia Baroncelli discuss the recent arrest of Russian anti-war sociologist and Marxist Boris Yulyevich Kagarlitsky. Boris was interviewed several times on Talia and Paul dig into what a long-term stalemate and threats of nuclear war might mean for Ukraine, Russia, and the world—part 1 of 2.

Russian Invasion a War of Aggression – Offer of Ukraine in NATO a Provocation – Paul Jay
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Russian Invasion a War of Aggression – Offer of Ukraine in NATO a Provocation – Paul Jay

Paul Jay and Jyotishman Mudiar, host of India & Global Left, discuss and debate the war against Ukraine and the role of NATO and the US. Jay states, “NATO doesn’t exist to invade Russia. NATO exists to assert American hegemony in Europe.”

Class and the War in Ukraine – Paul Jay (pt 1/3)
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Class and the War in Ukraine – Paul Jay (pt 1/3)

Paul Jay is back to speak about the war in Ukraine, the irrevocable effects of climate change, and the ever-present but often downplayed danger of nuclear warfare. He explains how the transnational capitalist elite continue to benefit from the war at the expense of the average Ukrainian and Russian worker. He also speaks about his new documentary film project on nuclear winter and his recent trip to visit political activist Daniel Ellsberg, whose insights on the Cuban Missile Crisis and potential human error leading to nuclear confrontation are heavily featured in the film. This is part one of a three-part series.

Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage and One Year Since Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine – Larry Wilkerson
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Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage and One Year Since Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine – Larry Wilkerson

Over a year has passed since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, with both sides suffering enormous casualties. Talia Baroncelli speaks to retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson about the credibility of various reports on the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage, noticeable tensions between Wagner Group’s Yevgeny Prigozhin and Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as possible steps towards achieving a negotiated settlement.

Ukraine: Zelenskyy’s Visit to Washington | With Colonel Wilkerson (Ret.)
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Ukraine: Zelenskyy’s Visit to Washington | With Colonel Wilkerson (Ret.)

On this episode of The Source, Zain Raza speaks with Lawrence Wilkerson, retired Army Colonel and former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell, about the latest developments in the war in Ukraine. They talk about the significance of Zelenskyy’s visit to Washington and the latest military developments. This interview was produced by acTVism Munich.

Retired US Army Colonel on Ukraine, Iran & the State of the US Empire
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Retired US Army Colonel on Ukraine, Iran & the State of the US Empire

In this episode of The Source, we talk with Lawrence Wilkerson, retired Army Colonel and former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell, about foreign policy with a focus on North Korea, Iran, and Ukraine. Lawrence Wilkerson served in the U.S. Army for 31 years and is now a Senior Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. This interview was produced by acTVism Munich.

Is Russian War in Ukraine “Similar” to 1962 U.S. Blockade of Cuba? – Daniel Ellsberg (pt 2/2)

Is Russian War in Ukraine “Similar” to 1962 U.S. Blockade of Cuba? – Daniel Ellsberg (pt 2/2)

Was the ‘62 U.S. blockade of Cuba justified? Is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine justified by the potential of nuclear weapons on Ukrainian territory? Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says the situations are “similar“. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Daniel Ellsberg joins Paul Jay on

Risking Nuclear War to Avoid Humiliation – Ellsberg (pt 1/2)
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Risking Nuclear War to Avoid Humiliation – Ellsberg (pt 1/2)

The Ukrainian missile that hit Poland and was first attributed to Russia was one of the most dangerous moments since the Russian invasion. Daniel Ellsberg says as it was for Kennedy in 1962 in Cuba, so it is now for Putin in Ukraine. There is no actual national security threat, only a threat to the leader’s domestic political survival. That does not mean the danger isn’t real.

Why the Soviet Union Imploded – Jeffrey Sommers (pt 2)

Why the Soviet Union Imploded – Jeffrey Sommers (pt 2)

The Soviet Union became dependent on easy energy sales, and consumer production stagnated, says Sommers. Gorbachev’s democratic and economic reforms supposedly meant to head towards a European style social-democracy, but instead created conditions for the rise of the oligarchs and the free for all of the ‘90s. Jeffrey Sommers joins Paul Jay on

Putin’s War Driven by Domestic Politics – Boris Kagarlitsky

Putin’s War Driven by Domestic Politics – Boris Kagarlitsky

NATO expansion and the defense of Donbas are not the primary motivations for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, says Kagarlitsky. Stoking nationalism to shore up support for Putin’s government is. Two corrupt oligarchies fight a war that only fossil fuel firms and Western arms manufacturers can win.

Putin’s War Crimes Follow in the Steps of American War Crimes – Denis Pilash pt 2/2

Putin’s War Crimes Follow in the Steps of American War Crimes – Denis Pilash pt 2/2

The invasion of Ukraine is a reflection of the crisis of global capitalism. That said, Putin may have believed he would face the same impunity that was the case with the Western imperialist powers after invading Iraq, says Ukrainian activist Denis Pilash on

Ukrainian Buzarov and Russian Buzgalin on the Conflict in Ukraine

Ukrainian Buzarov and Russian Buzgalin on the Conflict in Ukraine

In an interview recorded on Feb. 23rd, Buzarov says the Russians have invaded and violated Ukrainian sovereignty. Buzgalin says the people of Donbass have a right to independence if they choose, but a peace movement should be built to oppose the oligarchs and bureaucrats on all sides who are inflaming the situation for profits.

What is the Way Forward for the Ukrainian People in the Midst of International Tensions? – Andrey Buzarov pt 2/2

What is the Way Forward for the Ukrainian People in the Midst of International Tensions? – Andrey Buzarov pt 2/2

This interview was conducted on February 20th, one day before Russia recognized Donetsk and Luhansk.

Much has been said about the ongoing global conflict between American imperialism and the Russian bear, which appears to have awoken from its long winter slumber. Global public opinion has been bombarded with a slew of misinformation and misinterpretations based on the ideological biases of various media outlets. With massive propaganda exercises on both the Western and Russian sides, the information war has clearly reached a new high point. We appear to be witnessing a form of propaganda retaliation on the part of the Russians who were accused of wanting to invade and destabilize Ukraine in recent days. They are now accusing Ukraine of planning an attack on the country’s two breakaway republics in the east.
The big powers are treating Ukraine like a piece of garbage throughout this game. And no one is asking what the future of Ukrainian society should be. We all know that a full-fledged war is the worst-case scenario. But what are the alternatives? Can the powers that be in Russia, the United States, and Ukraine actually prevent war? Is it possible to reach some minimum agreements? Who is most interested in maintaining tensions and who is most interested in peace?

Massive Escalation in Donbas or a New Propaganda Campaign? – Andrey Buzarov pt 1/2

Massive Escalation in Donbas or a New Propaganda Campaign? – Andrey Buzarov pt 1/2

This interview was conducted on February 19th, two days before Russia recognized Donetsk and Luhansk.

In the midst of the escalating tensions in and around Ukraine, the hosts of “On the barricades” have invited a special guest who is a political scientist, security analyst, and academic currently residing in Kiev. Andrey Buzarov is originally from Donyetsk, and he not only shares his expertise and comments on current events, but he also provides an insightful perspective of someone who is on the ground in Kiev and has relatives living in East Ukraine.

Maria Cernat and Boyan Stanislavski speak with Andrey about the events of the last 72 hours, which appear to show that another massive escalation is taking place. Is this just another propaganda exercise this time on the part of the Russians? Is a Ukrainian invasion of the breakaway republics really a threat? What do Ukrainian politicians hope for? Is Zelensky’s game as clever as it appears? Are there any negotiations going on behind closed doors? How does the sudden escalation of tensions affect Ukrainian society?