Ukraine: Dangerous Dance of Military-Industrial Complex – Paul Jay
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Ukraine: Dangerous Dance of Military-Industrial Complex – Paul Jay

Great powers, especially the Americans, believe prestige and “strategic power,” in other words a pissing match, is worth sending other people’s kids to die for. This is a fight between the oligarchs on all sides. They will all find ways to make money out of the tension, even if they are playing with nuclear fire. Paul Jay joins George Clark on his podcast By George (pt 1/3).

Russian Political Scientist: “The Russian Public has no Appetite for War” – Stanislav Byshok Pt 1

Russian Political Scientist: “The Russian Public has no Appetite for War” – Stanislav Byshok Pt 1

Stanislav Byshok will explain the attitudes of the Russian public and the reactions of the Russian media to the growing tensions between Moscow and Washington over Ukraine in a two-part conversation hosted by Maria Cernat and Boyan Stanislavski. Other aspects of the Russian perspective on recent events and processes are also being discussed.

Why Are Tensions Rising in Ukraine? – pt 1/2
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Why Are Tensions Rising in Ukraine? – pt 1/2

Biden is threatening severe sanctions claiming Russia is getting ready to invade Ukraine. Russia says NATO expansion is a threat and Ukraine is provoking a confrontation. East European journalists Maria Cernat and Boyan Stanislavski join Paul Jay in a collaboration between “The Barricade” and

Russia’s ‘imminent’ invasion of Ukraine or a slow ‘annexation’ of Donbass?
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Russia’s ‘imminent’ invasion of Ukraine or a slow ‘annexation’ of Donbass?

Despite widespread speculation, a shooting war between Ukraine and Russia is highly unlikely. The ‘annexation’ of the breakaway republics is on the horizon.

The media all over the world, most notably in Europe and North America, has been attempting to persuade the public in recent weeks that Russia is about to invade Ukraine. However, there are a number of reasonable doubts about this interpretation.

Understanding U.S. Foreign Policy w/ Paul Jay Pt 1/2
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Understanding U.S. Foreign Policy w/ Paul Jay Pt 1/2

On this edition of “On the Barricades” we welcome back Paul Jay – the Canadian-American journalist, broadcaster, and filmmaker, the host of With Paul we discuss the nature of the American empire, and how do the elites exert their influence compared to Russia. We discuss how serious one should take the endless squabbles between Russia and the US in respects to Ukraine, and what differentiates Russia’s role in the world compared to the US. We discuss the efforts of a New Cold War with China.

The “Unfriendly” Dictator of Belarus
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The “Unfriendly” Dictator of Belarus

With the Ryanair flight ordered to land and the arrest of a right-wing opposition figure, President Alexander Lukashenko became enemy #2 of the West (after Putin, of course). Western hypocrisy and Russophobia doesn’t make Lukashenko “anti-imperialist,” any less brutal, and certainly not socialist. Paul Jay is joined by Polish journalist Malgorzata Kulbaczewskawho and Bulgarian journalist Boyan Stanislavski for a nuanced and deeper analysis of this volatile region.

U.S. Hoped Putin Would be a ‘Sober Yelstin’ – RAI Stephen Cohen (3/5)

U.S. Hoped Putin Would be a ‘Sober Yelstin’ – RAI Stephen Cohen (3/5)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 23, 2019, with the late Stephen Cohen. After the fall of the Soviet Union, a dysfunctional and pro-American Russian President Yeltsin presided over the chaos of the 1990s; when Putin came to power, the West was very disappointed at the independent and nationalist character of the Putin led state and the demonization began.

Is Trump for Detente With Russia and Militarism With China and Iran – RAI Stephen Cohen (2/5)

Is Trump for Detente With Russia and Militarism With China and Iran – RAI Stephen Cohen (2/5)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 18, 2019, with the late Stephen Cohen. Trump’s stated aim is to reduce tensions with Russia, but is it motivated by peaceful objectives or is it preparations for aggression towards Iran and China – Stephen Cohen joins host Paul Jay for a spirited discussion.

From Jim Crow Kentucky to Red Square – RAI Stephen Cohen (4/5)

From Jim Crow Kentucky to Red Square – RAI Stephen Cohen (4/5)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced April 29, 2019, with the late Stephen Cohen. Prof. Stephen Cohen was a professor emeritus of politics at Princeton University and of Russian studies and history at New York University. In his book titled ‘War with Russia? From Putin and Ukraine to Trump and Russiagate’; Cohen discusses the forces that shaped his political thinking.

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Socialism – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (12/12)

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Socialism – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (12/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Aleksandr Buzgalin says the conditions for socialism did not exist in the 1920s but now they do, but there will be many zigs and zags getting there – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 29, 2018.

Many Russians Think Climate Change is Propaganda to Weaken Their Economy – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (11/12)
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Many Russians Think Climate Change is Propaganda to Weaken Their Economy – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (11/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Aleksandr Buzgalin says Russian oligarchs find an oil-based economy too profitable to consider transitioning away from it – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 27, 2018.

Why is Putin so Popular When People are so Poor? – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (9/12)
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Why is Putin so Popular When People are so Poor? – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (9/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Aleksandr Buzgalin says under the slogans liberal democracy and market capitalism was delivered chaos and crime; Putin stands for traditional Russian values and culture, social order and making Russia great again – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 23, 2018.

Is Putin’s Rule a Dictatorship? – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (8/12)
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Is Putin’s Rule a Dictatorship? – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (8/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Aleksandr Buzgalin says while Putin heads a powerful state, this is not a system of one man rule; more than 100 billionaires and a stratum of top bureaucrats have political power – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 22, 2018.

Putin is Anointed King, but Big Capital has the Real Power – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (7/12)
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Putin is Anointed King, but Big Capital has the Real Power – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (7/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Aleksandr Buzgalin says after the chaotic ‘90s, the Russian oligarchs needed a stronger central state to defend their class interests, but Putin’s individual power should not be exaggerated – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 20, 2018.

Shock Without the Therapy: A New Russia is Born in Chaos and Plunder – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (6/12)
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Shock Without the Therapy: A New Russia is Born in Chaos and Plunder – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (6/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Aleksandr Buzgalin says the collapse of the Soviet Union was followed by the rise of billionaire oligarchs as the “free market” led to the impoverishment of the people – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 19, 2018.

I Returned from Vacation to Find the Soviet Union had Collapsed – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (5/12)
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I Returned from Vacation to Find the Soviet Union had Collapsed – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (5/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Aleksandr Buzgalin says that he returned from a vacation in the countryside to find Gorbachev was arrested, Yeltsin was leader and the Soviet Union was no more – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 16, 2018.

Turning Power into Money, the End of the Soviet Union – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (4/12)
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Turning Power into Money, the End of the Soviet Union – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (4/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Aleksandr Buzgalin says that many Communist Party leaders supported Gorbachev’s perestroika reforms, but what they really wanted, was to drop restrictions on accumulating great wealth – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 15, 2018.