test post

The workers’ council movement took shape in several forms across Europe, Russia, Tito’s Yugoslavia, Algeria, and Iran. Political scientist Dr. Saeed Rahnema discusses the failure of workers’ councils in these different historical contexts and traces out the tensions between workers’ control and workers’ participation under capitalism. Is real workers’ control feasible under capitalism, and do…

A Viable Plan or Utter Delusion: Is the Two-State Solution (Still) Possible? – Assal Rad part 2/2
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A Viable Plan or Utter Delusion: Is the Two-State Solution (Still) Possible? – Assal Rad part 2/2

In Part 2, Assal Rad speaks to the importance of U.S. airman Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C., where he stated that he would “not be complicit in genocide” in the Gaza Strip. Assal Rad, scholar of the Middle East, highlights the Biden administration’s deceitful unwillingness to hold Israel to account in the face of the IDF’s well-documented atrocities in Gaza while it simultaneously withholds funding from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) on the mere basis of allegations.

Global Coup d’État: Mapping the Corporate Takeover of Global Governance – GPEnewsdocs

Global Coup d’État: Mapping the Corporate Takeover of Global Governance – GPEnewsdocs

Corporations have stepped beyond lobbying governments. They are integrating in policy making at the national and international levels. Decisions historically taken by governments are increasingly taken by secretive unaccountable bodies run by corporations says Nick Buxton describing The Great Corporate Takeover mapped by peoples movements and scholars.

Putin and Navalny Both Represent Big Russian Capital – Alexander Buzgalin

Putin and Navalny Both Represent Big Russian Capital – Alexander Buzgalin

The recent protests in Russia were more about the failed economic policies of Putin than support for Navalny, whose program may be even worse than Putin’s. The West loves Navalny because they think he will open Russia to U.S. finance capital. From Moscow, Prof. Alexander Buzgalin joins theAnalysis.news with Paul Jay.

Moving the Bar: My Life as a Radical Lawyer – Michael Ratner

Moving the Bar: My Life as a Radical Lawyer – Michael Ratner

Michael Ratner (1943–2016) was one of America’s leading human rights lawyers. Michael won the seminal case in the Supreme Court guaranteeing the right of habeas corpus to Guantanamo detainees. From the torture of prisoners after 911 to the massive racial profiling by the New York Police Department, Michael’s voice and vision continue to resonate. His last case, which he worked on until he died, was representing Julian Assange, the editor of WikiLeaks. In a series of interviews with attorneys who knew Michael’s work, Law and Disorder hosts Heidi Boghosian and Michael Smith interviewed some of Michael Ratner’s closest friends and colleagues.

Our Dear Friend Leo Panitch has Passed

Our Dear Friend Leo Panitch has Passed

Leo was a treasured friend, a mentor, and a formidable fighter for humanity and socialist ideals. He saw the big picture with profound depth and took the time to teach our kids how to make paper airplanes and produce puppet shows. He leaves an unparalleled body of work and a gaping hole in hearts around the world. This is a collection of interviews with Leo, who gave great encouragement to creating theAnalysis.news

Divisions in Democratic Party Based on Interest, Not Tactics – Norman Solomon

Divisions in Democratic Party Based on Interest, Not Tactics – Norman Solomon

Corporate Democrats see market economies as the future and love to see rich people get richer. The left wants a society where government is committed to health care, education, and housing as a human right. The question is, how can a progressive movement grow strong enough to force the Biden administration to deliver on a more democratic-socialist and non-militarist agenda? Norman Solomon on theAnalysis.news podcast with Paul Jay.

Peru: Mass Protests Against  Hypercapitalist Narco-State Force Presidents’ Resignations

Peru: Mass Protests Against Hypercapitalist Narco-State Force Presidents’ Resignations

Three presidents in one week as massive youth-led protests shake Peru’s political system. Patricia Oliart, head of Latin American Studies at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom, joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news podcast. Produced in collaboration with Other News.

WTO Protects Intellectual Property Rights Over Lives of Millions

WTO Protects Intellectual Property Rights Over Lives of Millions

Renowned Italian political scientist and economist Riccardo Petrella, says the WTO decision not to waive intellectual property rights during the pandemic will make crucial medicines and technology unaffordable. It could condemn millions to death. On theAnalysis.news podcast with Paul Jay in collaboration with Other News.

We Don’t Have to Live in Mitch McConnell’s World – Max Moran

We Don’t Have to Live in Mitch McConnell’s World – Max Moran

If he wants to, and that’s a big if, Biden has several tools available to circumvent McConnell’s Senate and still appoint the Cabinet secretaries he needs; plus 277 actions that are in the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force documents that can be accomplished with an executive order. Max Moran joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news podcast.

Look Back in Anger (at the 07/08 Crash) Richard Kozul-Wright (pt2/4)

Look Back in Anger (at the 07/08 Crash) Richard Kozul-Wright (pt2/4)

In dealing with the Covid economic crisis, governments must not repeat the strategy of the last crisis, where the withdrawal of fiscal stimulus adversely impacted growth, the continuation of quantitative easing, and low-interest rates propelled asset prices ever higher. It led to a combination of high inequality, financial fragility, huge amounts of debt, and growing anxiety everywhere.

Time to End the “Ceasefire” – Gerald Horne

Time to End the “Ceasefire” – Gerald Horne

The election shows that anti-elitism has been captured by the right. It’s time for progressives to end the “ceasefire”, and fight the enormous pressure that will be exerted to make the Biden administration “get along” with a Republican controlled Senate. Progressives must fight anti-Trump neocons pushing Democrats further right, says Gerald Horne on theAnalysis.news podcast with Paul Jay.

Bolivia’s Election Result Embarrasses the OAS Yet Again

Bolivia’s Election Result Embarrasses the OAS Yet Again

The October 18th presidential election in Bolivia confirms that leftist candidate Luis Arce won the presidency with a solid majority, which puts yet another nail in the coffin of the OAS’s efforts to meddle in Bolivia. CEPR’s Jake Johnston, who analyzed the highly questionable OAS audit of last year’s election, which justified the coup, discusses how this recent result presents a challenge to US foreign policy towards Bolivia.

Arms Sales and Diplomatic Cover – Trump Good for Bulgarian Corruption

Arms Sales and Diplomatic Cover – Trump Good for Bulgarian Corruption

Bulgarian journalist Vladamir Mitev, says ongoing protests in Bulgaria are against government corruption and crony capitalism. Bulgaria agreed to a billion-dollar deal for U.S. F-16 fighter aircraft at a time when schools and hospitals a grossly underfunded. A collaboration with “Other News.”

The Coup Against Bolivia’s Evo Morales – Looking Back

On the occasion of Bolivia’s presidential election, which is taking place on Sunday, October 18th, 2020, we present a guest production by Peruvian journalist Francesca Emanuele, featuring Jhocelyn Caspa, an eyewitness of the Senkata Massacre that happened shortly after the November 2019 coup that ousted president Evo Morales. Emanuele also interviews Jake Johnston, Senior Research Associate of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, who conducted a detailed analysis of the Organization of American States’ election audit that helped justify the coup.

The Significance of the “Shit Show” Debate – Panitch, Day, Horne & Jay

The Significance of the “Shit Show” Debate – Panitch, Day, Horne & Jay

Prof. Leo Panitch, Jacobin writer Meagan Day, and Historian Gerald Horne join Paul Jay to analyze the Presidential debate and the underlying reasons why the U.S. political system is in disarray. They discuss how the people’s movement will respond to a possible Trump coup if he loses the election.

A Massive People’s Movement Can Prevent Trump Stealing the Election

A Massive People’s Movement Can Prevent Trump Stealing the Election

Prof. Allan Jay Lichtman has correctly predicted the outcome of every election since 1984. His model says Biden will win the vote in 2020, but he thinks Trump is planning to work with Republican governors and secretaries of state to rig the final result. Only a people’s movement on a massive scale can prevent a Trump coup says Paul Jay. Prof. Lichtman is the guest on theAnalysis.news podcast.

Bolivia: Bloqueos y una crisis sobre otra
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Bolivia: Bloqueos y una crisis sobre otra

Paul Jay Hola! Soy Paul Jay y bienvenidos al podcast de theAnalysis.news Este episodio se produce en colaboración con Other News. Other News es una plataforma de prensa internacional que difunde análisis, ideas e información sobre temas globales en inglés, español e italiano. Puede encontrarla en other-news.info. La mayoría de las carreteras que interconectan las…