Make the Fed Publicly Owned and the Foundation of a Public Banking System – Gerald Epstein

Make the Fed Publicly Owned and the Foundation of a Public Banking System – Gerald Epstein

The Federal Reserve has been subsidizing the megabanks, but what’s needed is an institution that provides the backstop, the loan guarantees, the subsidies, the lines of credit, et cetera, to support the development of a whole variety of public financial institutions. Gerald Epstein on podcast with Paul Jay.

Trump gets no special protections because he’s president and must release financial records, Supreme Court rules

Trump gets no special protections because he’s president and must release financial records, Supreme Court rules

Investigators are trying to follow the president’s money, and the Supreme Court just gave them the green light. Alex Wong/Getty Images Stanley M. Brand, Pennsylvania State University In a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that President Donald Trump has no immunity, by virtue of being president, from a state grand jury subpoena for…

Canada vs USA, Public vs Private Healthcare –  Mario Seccareccia

Canada vs USA, Public vs Private Healthcare – Mario Seccareccia

The Canadian public healthcare system has not been perfect, but it’s the privately owned facilities that have failed badly. Mario Seccareccia on podcast with Paul Jay. Transcript Paul Jay Hi, I’m Paul Jay, and welcome to podcast. Mario Seccareccia is an emeritus professor at the Department of Economics, University of Ottawa, where since…

Assange, Sheldon Adelson, and the CIA – Max Blumenthal

Assange, Sheldon Adelson, and the CIA – Max Blumenthal

With the death of Sheldon Adelson, we replay this interview with Max Blumenthal. The CIA used an Adelson controlled company to spy on Julian Assange. Billionaire Casino owner Sheldon Adelson was a key player in making Trump president; has a history of money laundering; consorting with organized crime families; is a fervent supporter of the Israeli right, and advocates for attacking Iran. Max Blumenthal joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Brilliant and Much Needed Political Satire – “An Honest Government Ad”

Brilliant and Much Needed Political Satire – “An Honest Government Ad”

Juice Media from Australia produces sharp and witty satire. They describe the video this way “The Government has made an ad about the global response to the pandemic, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.” It’s also surprisingly funny and bang on politically. We publish with permission from Juice.