Fight for Chair of the California Democratic Party – RAI with Norman Solomon (pt 1/4)

Fight for Chair of the California Democratic Party – RAI with Norman Solomon (pt 1/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on May 18, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Norman Solomon of the Bernie Delegates Network tells Paul Jay that the California fight reflects a much larger struggle within the party between progressives and corporate Democrats.

Balancing Coming from a Police Family with Holding Cops Accountable – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 4/4)

Balancing Coming from a Police Family with Holding Cops Accountable – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 4/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on January 20, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Nina Turner, whose husband is a retired cop and son is active duty, tells host Paul Jay that police need to be held accountable, but so do policymakers who are responsible for stagnant wages and chronic poverty.

“Any Democrat Won’t Do” – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 3/4)

“Any Democrat Won’t Do” – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 3/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on January 19, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Nina Turner, leading Bernie Sanders surrogate during the primary, tells host Paul Jay that Democrats and progressives need to stand up and challenge establishment Democrats in the primaries all across the country. “Either you’re with the people, or you’re not.”

Nina Turner Kept Off DNC Stage as Punishment for Supporting Sanders – RAI (pt 2/4)

Nina Turner Kept Off DNC Stage as Punishment for Supporting Sanders – RAI (pt 2/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on January 18, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Nina Turner, leading Bernie Sanders surrogate during the primary, tells host Paul Jay that when she moved her support from Clinton to Sanders, she was accused of betraying the party that she should be grateful for – and she answered: “I’m not on the plantation anymore”.

“The Democratic Party Can’t Just Whisper Sweet Nothings Anymore” – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 1/4)

“The Democratic Party Can’t Just Whisper Sweet Nothings Anymore” – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 1/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on January 17, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Nina Turner, former Ohio State Senator and leading Bernie Sanders surrogate during the primary, tells host Paul Jay that she grew up poor, believing in the Democratic Party and the Clintons, but she came to understand the failure of the Party to serve the needs of the African-American community and poor white workers.

The General’s Son: From Privileged Zionist to Activist for Palestinian Rights – RAI (pt 3/3)

The General’s Son: From Privileged Zionist to Activist for Palestinian Rights – RAI (pt 3/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on December 12, 2016. On Reality Asserts Itself, Miko Peled tells Paul Jay that he’s come to understand that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands began in 1948, and he broke with the liberal zionist belief in the “secularization of the bible” and the mission of a Jewish state; he says BDS is an effective strategy that should be supported.

The Occupation of the American Mind – RAI with Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters (pt 3/3)
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The Occupation of the American Mind – RAI with Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters (pt 3/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on March 23, 2016. Paul Jay speaks to Roger Waters and Sut Jhally about the new film “The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States.”

The Occupation of the American Mind  – RAI with Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters (pt 2/3)
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The Occupation of the American Mind – RAI with Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters (pt 2/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on March 22, 2016. Paul Jay speaks to Roger Waters and Sut Jhally about the new film “The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States.”

The Occupation of the American Mind – RAI with Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters (pt 1/3)
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The Occupation of the American Mind – RAI with Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters (pt 1/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on March 20, 2016. Paul Jay speaks to Roger Waters and Sut Jhally about the new film “The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States.”

Why Build the Green Party? – Jill Stein on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 2/3)

Why Build the Green Party? – Jill Stein on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 2/3)

This interview was originally produced on February 16, 2015. On Reality Asserts Itself, former Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein tells Paul Jay that the Green Party will put the campaign in the service of social movements that deserve to be front-and-center in the political dialogue.

The Radicalization of Phil Donahue – Reality Asserts Itself (pt 1/3)

The Radicalization of Phil Donahue – Reality Asserts Itself (pt 1/3)

Phil Donahue died on August 18, 2024. Mr. Donahue says he believed he was blessed, living in the greatest country on earth – but through hosting his show and speaking to people like Chomsky and the Black Panthers, he came to question what he had thought was true. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on September 30, 2014.

Reaganism and Thatcherism were Intellectually Dishonest – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI Pt 1/5
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Reaganism and Thatcherism were Intellectually Dishonest – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI Pt 1/5

Mr. Flassbeck, former director of UNCTAD, discusses growing up in a US-dominated Germany and his opposition to the birth of neoliberal economics. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 25, 2014, with Paul Jay.

Hedges and Binney on Obama NSA guidelines – Reality Asserts Itself pt 1/2
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Hedges and Binney on Obama NSA guidelines – Reality Asserts Itself pt 1/2

This interview was originally published on January 9, 2014. Chris Hedges and NSA whistle-blower William Binney tell Paul Jay that there should be accountability, including the President himself, for the criminal practices used by the NSA against the American people.

Black Nationalism and the Peoples’ Movement  – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/5
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Black Nationalism and the Peoples’ Movement – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/5

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay: Glen Ford addresses the question whether black Americans constitute a nation, and if so, what is their role in the movement of the whole people. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 25, 2013, with Paul Jay.

Kennedy Was A Cold War Warrior to the Core – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 5/5
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Kennedy Was A Cold War Warrior to the Core – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 5/5

On this episode of Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, Glen Ford says there is no evidence that Kennedy differed from other U.S. presidents in striving for global hegemony. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 23, 2013, with Paul Jay.

Are Nader Like Reforms Still Possible – Ralph Nader on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 2/3)

Are Nader Like Reforms Still Possible – Ralph Nader on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 2/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on December 19, 2013. On RAI with Paul Jay, Ralph Nader says the reforms of the 1960s and ’70s are no longer possible as Congress is bought and sold by a small number of very rich people and commercial interests.

McCarthyism Made Us Veer Away From a Systemic Doctrine for Change – Ralph Nader on RAI (pt 1/3)

McCarthyism Made Us Veer Away From a Systemic Doctrine for Change – Ralph Nader on RAI (pt 1/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on December 18, 2013. On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, Ralph Nader says McCarthy’s reign of terror made people seek empirical change, like seeking legislative reforms to make safer cars, to avoid being associated with socialism.

The Kennedy Brothers Thought the Civil Rights Movement Was a Nuisance at Best  –  Glen Ford Pt 4/5
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The Kennedy Brothers Thought the Civil Rights Movement Was a Nuisance at Best – Glen Ford Pt 4/5

On this episode of Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, Glen Ford discusses the JFK presidency and its relative indifference towards the black freedom struggle. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 22, 2013, with Paul Jay.

Does American Might Prevent Global Chaos – Peter Kuznick on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 3/3)

Does American Might Prevent Global Chaos – Peter Kuznick on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 3/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on October 20, 2013. In the final episode of this series of Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, historian Peter Kuznick analyzes the core idea of American exceptionalism, that US military power creates world order.

Did Bush Cheney Create a Culture of Not Wanting to Know  –  Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 7/7
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Did Bush Cheney Create a Culture of Not Wanting to Know – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 7/7

On RAI with Paul Jay, Senator Bob Graham says there was a pervasive pattern in police and intelligence agencies: “You don’t have everybody moving in the same direction without there being a head coach somewhere who was giving them instructions as to where he wants them to move” – a REPLAY of a 2013 interview by Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

Why Would Saudi Arabia Support 9/11 Conspirators  – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 6/7
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Why Would Saudi Arabia Support 9/11 Conspirators – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 6/7

Former Senator Bob Graham, co-chair of the 2002 Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11, believes that the Saudi government “had a high and what has thus far turned out to be credible expectation that their role” in 9/11 “would not be exposed” by the U.S. government – a REPLAY of a 2013 interview by Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

Revealing 9/11 Conspiracy Would Undo U.S. Saudi Alliance – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 5/7
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Revealing 9/11 Conspiracy Would Undo U.S. Saudi Alliance – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 5/7

Paul Jay asks Senator Graham if a culture of “not wanting to know” was created to prevent the conspiracy from being uncovered and to protect the role of the Saudi government – a REPLAY of a 2013 interview by Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

Saudi Government’s 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disillusionment – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 4/7
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Saudi Government’s 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disillusionment – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 4/7

On RAI with Paul Jay, Senator Bob Graham explains why he persists in making the case that facts directly connect the Saudi government with 9/11 conspirators – a REPLAY of a 2013 interview by Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

The Liberal Elite has Betrayed the People they Claim they Defend – Chris Hedges on RAI (5/7)

The Liberal Elite has Betrayed the People they Claim they Defend – Chris Hedges on RAI (5/7)

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, Chris Hedges says the Democratic Party used to watch out for the interests of labor and even for the poor. But that all changed under Bill Clinton. Although Clinton, like Obama, continues to speak in that feel-your-pain language of traditional liberalism, they’ve completely betrayed the very people that they purport to represent and defend. This episode was produced on July 22, 2013.

We Must Grasp Reality to Build Effective Resistance – Chris Hedges on RAI (3/7)
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We Must Grasp Reality to Build Effective Resistance – Chris Hedges on RAI (3/7)

In the continuation of Paul Jay’s Reality Asserts Itself interview with Chris Hedges, they discuss the fantasy that we can have everything we want and the reality of the grave dangers facing us. This episode was produced on July 18, 2013.