Being the “Other” in America – Andy Shallal on Reality Asserts Itself (1/4)

Being the “Other” in America – Andy Shallal on Reality Asserts Itself (1/4)

Mr. Shallal, owner of Busboys and Poets restaurants and candidate for DC mayor, tells Paul Jay that after coming to America as a child, the shocking death of MLK led him to discover how much race permeates everything. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced March 25, 2014.

Sen. Graham: President Must Side with Openness About C.I.A. and 9/11 – Pt 3/7
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Sen. Graham: President Must Side with Openness About C.I.A. and 9/11 – Pt 3/7

Sen. Bob Graham, a former Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, says the President should declassify the Senate report on CIA torture and the still secret 28 pages of the Congressional report on who financed the 9/11 attacks. This interview was produced March 17, 2014, with Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

Are the Saudis Fueling a Sunni-Shia War? – Toby Jones on Reality Asserts Itself (2/2)
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Are the Saudis Fueling a Sunni-Shia War? – Toby Jones on Reality Asserts Itself (2/2)

Toby Jones, a Prof. at Rutgers University specializing in Middle East history, tells Paul Jay the Saudis are committed to victory in their rivalry with Iran and use money and sectarian ideology to achieve their geo-political interests. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced January 15, 2015.

Hedges and Binney on Obama NSA guidelines – Reality Asserts Itself pt 1/2
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Hedges and Binney on Obama NSA guidelines – Reality Asserts Itself pt 1/2

This interview was originally published on January 9, 2014. Chris Hedges and NSA whistle-blower William Binney tell Paul Jay that there should be accountability, including the President himself, for the criminal practices used by the NSA against the American people.

Black Nationalism and the Peoples’ Movement  – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/5
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Black Nationalism and the Peoples’ Movement – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/5

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay: Glen Ford addresses the question whether black Americans constitute a nation, and if so, what is their role in the movement of the whole people. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 25, 2013, with Paul Jay.

Giving Grassroots Leaders a Voice  – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 2/5
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Giving Grassroots Leaders a Voice – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 2/5

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay: Glen Ford, Exec. Editor of Black Agenda Report, talks about helping create black radio news. He says that news media creates leaders by deciding what events are important and who is authorized to speak on the importance of those events. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 24, 2013 with Paul Jay.

Kennedy Was A Cold War Warrior to the Core – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 5/5
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Kennedy Was A Cold War Warrior to the Core – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 5/5

On this episode of Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, Glen Ford says there is no evidence that Kennedy differed from other U.S. presidents in striving for global hegemony. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 23, 2013, with Paul Jay.

The Kennedy Brothers Thought the Civil Rights Movement Was a Nuisance at Best  –  Glen Ford Pt 4/5
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The Kennedy Brothers Thought the Civil Rights Movement Was a Nuisance at Best – Glen Ford Pt 4/5

On this episode of Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, Glen Ford discusses the JFK presidency and its relative indifference towards the black freedom struggle. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 22, 2013, with Paul Jay.

“Liberty and Justice for Some People”  – James Early on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 1/3
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“Liberty and Justice for Some People” – James Early on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 1/3

In this series of Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, James Early talks about American identity and growing up African-American facing the deep racism of the South. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 18, 2013.

Hegemony Abroad Requires a Security State at Home – Ray McGovern Pt 2/2
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Hegemony Abroad Requires a Security State at Home – Ray McGovern Pt 2/2

In this segment of Reality Asserts Itself, Paul Jay and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discuss the relationship between seeking to be the world’s single superpower and the resulting blowback and need to suppress dissent at home. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 4, 2013.

Ex CIA Analyst on Snowden and Calling Journalists Terrorists – Ray McGovern Pt 1/2
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Ex CIA Analyst on Snowden and Calling Journalists Terrorists – Ray McGovern Pt 1/2

In this segment of Reality Asserts Itself, Paul Jay and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discuss the relationship between seeking to be the world’s single superpower and the resulting blowback and need to suppress dissent at home. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 4, 2013.

Did Bush Cheney Create a Culture of Not Wanting to Know  –  Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 7/7
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Did Bush Cheney Create a Culture of Not Wanting to Know – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 7/7

On RAI with Paul Jay, Senator Bob Graham says there was a pervasive pattern in police and intelligence agencies: “You don’t have everybody moving in the same direction without there being a head coach somewhere who was giving them instructions as to where he wants them to move” – a REPLAY of a 2013 interview by Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

Why Would Saudi Arabia Support 9/11 Conspirators  – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 6/7
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Why Would Saudi Arabia Support 9/11 Conspirators – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 6/7

Former Senator Bob Graham, co-chair of the 2002 Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11, believes that the Saudi government “had a high and what has thus far turned out to be credible expectation that their role” in 9/11 “would not be exposed” by the U.S. government – a REPLAY of a 2013 interview by Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

Revealing 9/11 Conspiracy Would Undo U.S. Saudi Alliance – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 5/7
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Revealing 9/11 Conspiracy Would Undo U.S. Saudi Alliance – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 5/7

Paul Jay asks Senator Graham if a culture of “not wanting to know” was created to prevent the conspiracy from being uncovered and to protect the role of the Saudi government – a REPLAY of a 2013 interview by Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

Saudi Government’s 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disillusionment – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 4/7
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Saudi Government’s 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disillusionment – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 4/7

On RAI with Paul Jay, Senator Bob Graham explains why he persists in making the case that facts directly connect the Saudi government with 9/11 conspirators – a REPLAY of a 2013 interview by Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.