Honest Government Ad | Economic Recovery – Super Satire from Juice Media
From Australia’s Juice Media, another bitingly funny take down of . . . well, all our governments’ B.S.
From Australia’s Juice Media, another bitingly funny take down of . . . well, all our governments’ B.S.
In the streets and at the ballot box, we must fight for: No return to work until it’s safe and with full economic support; community control of the police; and publicly-owned banking and enterprises that create jobs and put the public interest first. – Paul Jay on the Law and Disorder Radio Show
Banking and finance are essential to a modern economy, but they don’t have to be privately owned to do it. The Federal Reserve must be transformed to create a system of publicly-owned banks. Gerald Epstein joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news podcast.
Prof. Allan Jay Lichtman has correctly predicted the outcome of every election since 1984. His model says Biden will win the vote in 2020, but he thinks Trump is planning to work with Republican governors and secretaries of state to rig the final result. Only a people’s movement on a massive scale can prevent a Trump coup says Paul Jay. Prof. Lichtman is the guest on theAnalysis.news podcast.
In this 1470 illustration, the radical priest John Ball galvanizes the rebels. The British Library
The Australien Government has made an ad about its hotel quarantine and vaccines policies, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
The Indian government is pushing austerity rather than stimulus and using the pandemic as an opportunity to introduce policies they thought would go through without much opposition – but that’s not what happened. Jayati Ghosh joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news podcast.