“Shit or Shit Lite” – Very Funny Satire From Juice Media

The Australien Government has made an ad about Preferential Voting and it’s surprisingly honest and informative (and funny).

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  1. Thanks for showing this piece. However, the caption could suggest the farce is believed to be real…

    This work is not made by the Australien [sic] Government.
    It is “Authorised By The Department For Genuine Satire”.

    Satire, and Truth in Humour – something the Government wants to end before it really begins to fumble into articulation out of mumbled lounge-rooms and backyards where Aussies are feeling it – into the broad daylight of public social media display. (Then, Gawd, what, if anything, could happen next?!)

    The following speech to the Australian Parliament points out where the irony and caustic truth is firmly roosted Down Under:

    “Some Members of this place might be aware of The Juice Media’s hilarious work in their “Honest Government Ads” series. This series has gone viral many times and the reason it’s got such a wide reception is that it holds up a light to the chaos and dysfunction of our current Federal Government, using the dreaded weapons of satire and humour.

    And these people (Juice Media, Melbourne) have been on the receiving end of contact from a Government Department saying that some of the images they use potentially might confuse people and make them think they’re actually speaking on behalf of the Government.

    Well, I can sympathise with the government to some extent. Because sometimes it IS legitimately
    Impossible to differentiate the fact from the fiction, when this Government implements policies.

    And I can understand how the Australian public might be confused between a farce and this Government…”

    Adam Bandt (Greens Senator)

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