Arms Sales and Diplomatic Cover – Trump Good for Bulgarian Corruption

Arms Sales and Diplomatic Cover – Trump Good for Bulgarian Corruption

Bulgarian journalist Vladamir Mitev, says ongoing protests in Bulgaria are against government corruption and crony capitalism. Bulgaria agreed to a billion-dollar deal for U.S. F-16 fighter aircraft at a time when schools and hospitals a grossly underfunded. A collaboration with “Other News.”

The Significance of the “Shit Show” Debate – Panitch, Day, Horne & Jay

The Significance of the “Shit Show” Debate – Panitch, Day, Horne & Jay

Prof. Leo Panitch, Jacobin writer Meagan Day, and Historian Gerald Horne join Paul Jay to analyze the Presidential debate and the underlying reasons why the U.S. political system is in disarray. They discuss how the people’s movement will respond to a possible Trump coup if he loses the election.

Why Criticize Biden Now, When Trump Fascism is a Threat? – with Paul Jay

Why Criticize Biden Now, When Trump Fascism is a Threat? – with Paul Jay

A viewer writes: should Paul Jay’s critique of Biden wait till after the election? Jay says we need to defeat Trump, but without creating illusions about Biden. We have to build a non-sectarian, broad people’s movement with a class conscious core. Lucas Alden interviews Paul Jay (Pt2) on podcast.