Colleague of Imprisoned Boris Kagarlitsky on Russian Anti-War Opposition – Anna Ochkina

Colleague of Imprisoned Boris Kagarlitsky on Russian Anti-War Opposition – Anna Ochkina

Anna Ochkina is a Russian sociologist and colleague of Marxist sociologist and dissident Boris Kagarlitsky, who has been held in prison by Russian authorities since July 25. She says the authorities don’t actually believe he is a terrorist threat, but it is fear among the elite of his anti-war activism that led to his arrest.

The Survival of the Palestinian People is Itself a Form of Resistance – Rania Masri pt 3/3
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The Survival of the Palestinian People is Itself a Form of Resistance – Rania Masri pt 3/3

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced September 25, 2013. In this last segment of Reality Asserts Itself with Rania Masri, Paul Jay asks why she considers Israel the “enemy” state; the one-state solution; and the possibility of a new political leadership amongst the Palestinians.

Opposing Intervention in Syria Without Apologizing for a Dictatorship – Rania Masri pt 2/3

Opposing Intervention in Syria Without Apologizing for a Dictatorship – Rania Masri pt 2/3

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced September 25, 2013. In part two of Reality Asserts Itself, Paul Jay and Rania Masri discuss the charge that opposing foreign intervention is support for Assad; the idea that Assad is “anti-imperialist”; and the role of violence in fighting dictatorship.