44 Years in Prison, Still a Revolutionary – Eddie Conway Dies on Feb. 13, 2023
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44 Years in Prison, Still a Revolutionary – Eddie Conway Dies on Feb. 13, 2023

Eddie Conway, a fearless fighter for working people everywhere, died on February 13th. Eddie was a Black Panther who was unjustly imprisoned for 44 years. In his honor we republish a series of biographical interviews hosted by Paul Jay, first released in 2015.

A World Without Police
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A World Without Police

Geo Maher, the author of the just-released book, A World Without Police, talks about why the police are actually designed not to do what we think they are supposed to do, to “serve and protect” the general public, but actually serve and protect property owners and more generally those who benefit from racism and inequality. He goes on to outline what a world without police could look like.

Toronto G20 – A Model for Repressing Mass Protest

Toronto G20 – A Model for Repressing Mass Protest

Eleven years ago, the mass arrests at the Toronto G20 was a model for training police across North America in techniques for repressing peaceful mass protests. Led by the RCMP, the strategy was to arrest over one thousand people and later release them once their right to demonstrate had been eliminated. The Ontario Ombudsman called it the greatest violation of civil rights in Canadian history. Alok Mukherjee, at the time was Chair of the Toronto Police Services Board, joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news.

The Promise and Limits of Black Lives Matter – Cedric Johnson

The Promise and Limits of Black Lives Matter – Cedric Johnson

Does the “Black Lives Matter” framing of the protests undermine the potential for much broader alliances? It’s not just black people who are being over-policed, it’s all working-class people and in particular, the most dispossessed. Cedric Johnson joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news podcast.

RAI with Former Weatherman Bill Ayers – Pt 3/3
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RAI with Former Weatherman Bill Ayers – Pt 3/3

In an interview that took place days before Trump was elected President, Bill Ayers discusses what needs to be done as we head into a ”form of friendly-looking and familiar fascism or some other form of extreme social disintegration”. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 13, 2016, with Paul Jay.

Malcolm X, Self-Determination and the People’s Movement – Kamau Franklin on Reality Asserts Itself (3/4)

Malcolm X, Self-Determination and the People’s Movement – Kamau Franklin on Reality Asserts Itself (3/4)

This interview was originally published on March 10, 2015. On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Franklin says Malcolm believed the international order benefited Western capitalist interests over the masses of black, brown and oppressed white people.

Malcolm X, Self-Determination and the People’s Movement – Kamau Franklin on Reality Asserts Itself (1/4)

Malcolm X, Self-Determination and the People’s Movement – Kamau Franklin on Reality Asserts Itself (1/4)

This interview was originally published on March 4, 2015. On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Franklin says that after growing up in the projects of Brooklyn, reading the autobiography of Malcolm X changed his life.

The Counter Revolution of 1776 and the Construction of Whiteness – Gerald Horne (pt 3/6)

The Counter Revolution of 1776 and the Construction of Whiteness – Gerald Horne (pt 3/6)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on August 20, 2014. On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Horne says that the defense of massive profits from the slave trade and fear of slave rebellions was an important impetus for the American Revolution.

The Black Scare and the Democratic Party – Gerald Horne on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 2/6)

The Black Scare and the Democratic Party – Gerald Horne on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 2/6)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on August 19, 2014. Mr. Horne says the Democrats are heavily dependent upon black votes but afraid of defending their interests out of fear of alienating cross-class racism deeply entrenched in American history.

The Price of NAACP Compromise was Too High – Gerald Horne on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 1/6)

The Price of NAACP Compromise was Too High – Gerald Horne on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 1/6)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on August 18, 2014. Mr. Horne, author of The Counter-Revolution of 1776, says it was a turning point in the history of black America when the NAACP succumbed to the pressures of the Cold War – the effects of which are still felt today.

Black Nationalism and the Peoples’ Movement  – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/5
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Black Nationalism and the Peoples’ Movement – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/5

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay: Glen Ford addresses the question whether black Americans constitute a nation, and if so, what is their role in the movement of the whole people. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 25, 2013, with Paul Jay.