44 Years in Prison, Still a Revolutionary – Eddie Conway Dies on Feb. 13, 2023
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44 Years in Prison, Still a Revolutionary – Eddie Conway Dies on Feb. 13, 2023

Eddie Conway, a fearless fighter for working people everywhere, died on February 13th. Eddie was a Black Panther who was unjustly imprisoned for 44 years. In his honor we republish a series of biographical interviews hosted by Paul Jay, first released in 2015.

RAI with Former Weatherman Bill Ayers – Pt 3/3
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RAI with Former Weatherman Bill Ayers – Pt 3/3

In an interview that took place days before Trump was elected President, Bill Ayers discusses what needs to be done as we head into a ”form of friendly-looking and familiar fascism or some other form of extreme social disintegration”. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 13, 2016, with Paul Jay.