Can we save Assange? We will not give up! Abby Martin, Snowden, Chomsky & others speak out!
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Can we save Assange? We will not give up! Abby Martin, Snowden, Chomsky & others speak out!

In this video, acTVism compiled past statements by leading intellectuals, journalists, whistleblowers, etc. that provide context to the Assange case and also warn of the consequences that the extradition of Assange will have on democracy. These statements were made before a British court ruled in favor of the U.S. to extradite Assange.

Military-Industrial Congressional Frauds – Lester Earnest on RAI Pt 2/5

Military-Industrial Congressional Frauds – Lester Earnest on RAI Pt 2/5

Corporations bribed politicians—it’s legal, it’s called campaign contributions—and they funded projects the Defense Department contracted out, giving the crooks a lot of money; that’s still going strong today – says Lester Earnest, founder of the AI Lab at Stanford. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 26, 2018.

AI Should Improve Quality of Life, Not Make Capitalists Rich – Lester Earnest on RAI Pt 5/5

AI Should Improve Quality of Life, Not Make Capitalists Rich – Lester Earnest on RAI Pt 5/5

Artificial Intelligence can make the world better or be a tool for war – says Lester Earnest, founder of the Artificial Intelligence Lab at Stanford, on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced January 4, 2019.

U.S. Refuses to Accept Iran as a Regional Power  – RAI with Trita Parsi Pt 1/3
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U.S. Refuses to Accept Iran as a Regional Power – RAI with Trita Parsi Pt 1/3

From Afghanistan to Iraq, the Trump administration, leading Democrats, and much of the foreign policy and military establishment believe the U.S. should be more aggressive towards Iran. That’s a very dangerous situation that can lead to war, noted Iran expert Trita Parsi tells Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced August 21, 2017, with Paul Jay.

Why I Was Targeted by the CIA – John Kiriakou on RAI (pt 9/10)

Why I Was Targeted by the CIA – John Kiriakou on RAI (pt 9/10)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on May 6, 2015. On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Kiriakou explains how the CIA opened a criminal file on him when he was the first CIA official to publicly acknowledge torture was a policy; they stepped up their effort to charge him when he began investigating possible CIA complicity in war crimes in Afghanistan.

Iraq War a War Crime – Pushed by Cheney Over Objections of Joint Chiefs – Kiriakou on RAI (pt 7/10)

Iraq War a War Crime – Pushed by Cheney Over Objections of Joint Chiefs – Kiriakou on RAI (pt 7/10)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on April 30, 2015. On Reality Asserts Itself, former CIA official Mr. Kiriakou says that VP Cheney chaired a morning phone call where the Joint Chiefs and CIA openly argued against the invasion of Iraq – a decision made in the summer of 2002.

My Reports on 1995 Human Rights Abuses Were Ignored by State Department- Kiriakou on RAI (pt 3/10)

My Reports on 1995 Human Rights Abuses Were Ignored by State Department- Kiriakou on RAI (pt 3/10)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on April 19, 2015. On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Kiriakou tells Paul Jay that from Iraq to Bahrain, it was becoming clear to him that commercial interest, particularly arms sales, was driving U.S. policy in the Middle East.

I Believed America Could Do No Wrong – John Kiriakou, Former CIA Official, on RAI (pt 1/10)

I Believed America Could Do No Wrong – John Kiriakou, Former CIA Official, on RAI (pt 1/10)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on April 16, 2015. Mr. Kiriakou was the first U.S. government official to confirm that waterboarding was an official policy. He spent 23 months in prison after being convicted of passing classified information to a reporter. He speaks to Paul Jay while still under house arrest.

Sen. Graham: President Must Side with Openness About C.I.A. and 9/11 – Pt 3/7
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Sen. Graham: President Must Side with Openness About C.I.A. and 9/11 – Pt 3/7

Sen. Bob Graham, a former Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, says the President should declassify the Senate report on CIA torture and the still secret 28 pages of the Congressional report on who financed the 9/11 attacks. This interview was produced March 17, 2014, with Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

Hegemony Abroad Requires a Security State at Home – Ray McGovern Pt 2/2
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Hegemony Abroad Requires a Security State at Home – Ray McGovern Pt 2/2

In this segment of Reality Asserts Itself, Paul Jay and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discuss the relationship between seeking to be the world’s single superpower and the resulting blowback and need to suppress dissent at home. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 4, 2013.

Ex CIA Analyst on Snowden and Calling Journalists Terrorists – Ray McGovern Pt 1/2
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Ex CIA Analyst on Snowden and Calling Journalists Terrorists – Ray McGovern Pt 1/2

In this segment of Reality Asserts Itself, Paul Jay and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discuss the relationship between seeking to be the world’s single superpower and the resulting blowback and need to suppress dissent at home. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 4, 2013.

Did Bush Cheney Create a Culture of Not Wanting to Know  –  Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 7/7
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Did Bush Cheney Create a Culture of Not Wanting to Know – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 7/7

On RAI with Paul Jay, Senator Bob Graham says there was a pervasive pattern in police and intelligence agencies: “You don’t have everybody moving in the same direction without there being a head coach somewhere who was giving them instructions as to where he wants them to move” – a REPLAY of a 2013 interview by Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

Revealing 9/11 Conspiracy Would Undo U.S. Saudi Alliance – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 5/7
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Revealing 9/11 Conspiracy Would Undo U.S. Saudi Alliance – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 5/7

Paul Jay asks Senator Graham if a culture of “not wanting to know” was created to prevent the conspiracy from being uncovered and to protect the role of the Saudi government – a REPLAY of a 2013 interview by Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

Saudi Government’s 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disillusionment – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 4/7
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Saudi Government’s 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disillusionment – Sen. Bob Graham on RAI Pt 4/7

On RAI with Paul Jay, Senator Bob Graham explains why he persists in making the case that facts directly connect the Saudi government with 9/11 conspirators – a REPLAY of a 2013 interview by Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.