Pentagon’s Outrageous Anti-China Operation Threatened Lives in the Philippines – Col. Larry Wilkerson
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Pentagon’s Outrageous Anti-China Operation Threatened Lives in the Philippines – Col. Larry Wilkerson

A recent Reuters investigation uncovered a scandalous Pentagon operation that sought to discredit the Chinese Sinovac vaccine and sow distrust among the population in the Philippines towards China. Col. Larry Wilkerson discusses previous unlawful Strategic Information Operations (SIOs) launched by the Pentagon and the particular depravity of this operation initiated in Spring 2020 under President Trump’s administration, at a time when countries such as the Philippines did not possess their own vaccine manufacturing capacity and were accepting a free supply of vaccines from China. 

Capitalism’s Structural Crisis and the Global Revolt
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Capitalism’s Structural Crisis and the Global Revolt

According to William I. Robinson, the COVID pandemic has further intensified the structural crisis of global capitalism and has caused numerous uprisings and revolts around the world, which global elites are trying to suppress via militarization, police repression, and surveillance. Robinson joins Greg Wilpert on

Biden Reneged on Cuban Campaign Promise – James Early

Biden Reneged on Cuban Campaign Promise – James Early

President Biden broke with Obama’s agreements with Cuba and is continuing Trump’s sanctions and aggressive stance. There are real problems in Cuba, but democratization and economic reforms will be decided by the Cuban people, not the U.S. or the “Miami mafia”. James Early on with Paul Jay.

Modest Inflation is Good for Workers – Bob Pollin

Modest Inflation is Good for Workers – Bob Pollin

Will a large infrastructure plan create inflation? If inflation is linked to higher wages, that’s not bad for workers, says Pollin. Large increases in inflation have been linked to higher oil prices which are unlikely. What’s missing from the Biden plan is it doesn’t sufficiently address a just transition for fossil fuel workers. Bob Pollin joins with Paul Jay.

Is US Support for Vaccine Patent Waiver Window Dressing?
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Is US Support for Vaccine Patent Waiver Window Dressing?

The U.S. announced its support for patent waivers, but it will be a long, drawn-out process that will make little difference to the catastrophe in India and other poor countries. The U.S. failed to promise to export critical material needed for producing the virus in developing countries. Vijay Prashad and Ricardo Petrella on with Paul Jay.

Not Much Climate Plan in Biden Jobs Plan – Robert Pollin

Not Much Climate Plan in Biden Jobs Plan – Robert Pollin

The Biden “Jobs Plan” contains some good infrastructure proposals, but most of the spending will not reduce carbon emissions. Only two million buildings are targeted for retrofitting and there are no serious regulations to force investment into sustainable energy. Robert Pollin joins Paul Jay on

Peoples’ Lives vs. Profits of Pharmaceutical Monopolies – GPE Newsdocs

Peoples’ Lives vs. Profits of Pharmaceutical Monopolies – GPE Newsdocs

The governments of India and South-Africa backed by about 100 countries and counting are calling for a waiver on patents over COVID-19 related medicines and equipment. Headquarter countries of Big Pharma are opposing it. The debate is going on at the WTO and will be decided soon.

WTO Protects Intellectual Property Rights Over Lives of Millions

WTO Protects Intellectual Property Rights Over Lives of Millions

Renowned Italian political scientist and economist Riccardo Petrella, says the WTO decision not to waive intellectual property rights during the pandemic will make crucial medicines and technology unaffordable. It could condemn millions to death. On podcast with Paul Jay in collaboration with Other News.

Canada vs USA, Public vs Private Healthcare –  Mario Seccareccia

Canada vs USA, Public vs Private Healthcare – Mario Seccareccia

The Canadian public healthcare system has not been perfect, but it’s the privately owned facilities that have failed badly. Mario Seccareccia on podcast with Paul Jay. Transcript Paul Jay Hi, I’m Paul Jay, and welcome to podcast. Mario Seccareccia is an emeritus professor at the Department of Economics, University of Ottawa, where since…

Brilliant and Much Needed Political Satire – “An Honest Government Ad”

Brilliant and Much Needed Political Satire – “An Honest Government Ad”

Juice Media from Australia produces sharp and witty satire. They describe the video this way “The Government has made an ad about the global response to the pandemic, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.” It’s also surprisingly funny and bang on politically. We publish with permission from Juice.