Practical Radicalism: Community Wealth Building with Neil McInroy

Practical Radicalism: Community Wealth Building with Neil McInroy

One of the few working-class movements scoring victories, democratizing ownership, and gaining momentum is the method of economic development called Community Wealth Building (CWB). Colin Bruce Anthes interviews Neil McInroy of the Democracy Collaborative on how CWB works, what it has accomplished so far, and its potential to lead a “new common sense” movement beyond neoliberal capitalism.

Debt and the Collapse of Antiquity – Michael Hudson (pt 1/2)
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Debt and the Collapse of Antiquity – Michael Hudson (pt 1/2)

We get a first look at the new book by renowned political economist Michael Hudson on the age-old battle between creditors and the real economy. Ancient Rome refused to adopt the practices of debt forgiveness and land redistribution previously understood to be essential. Instead, they instituted a rigid pro-creditor legal system, assassinating anyone who remotely threatened it–including Tiberius Gracchus, Julius Caesar, and Jesus. The empire devolved into a rentier economy, ultimately collapsing from within. Today’s neoliberal establishment increasingly defends this failed state framework, even as the same disastrous dynamics intensify.

No Bosses: A New Economy for a Better World (pt 1/3)

No Bosses: A New Economy for a Better World (pt 1/3)

Long-time activist and author Michael Albert outlines his vision for a post-capitalist and classless economic system, known as participatory economics and based on his most recent book, No Bosses (Zer0 Books, 2021). In this first part, Paul Jay and Michael Albert talk about the importance of economic vision and the rationale behind re-organizing the workplace on the basis of self-management and a non-corporate division of labor.

Burying Neoliberalism in Chile

Burying Neoliberalism in Chile

Gabriel Boric was elected president of Chile on December 20th – probably the most leftist president Chile has elected since Salvador Allende in 1970. Boric promised that while Chile was neoliberalism’s birthplace under Dictator Pinochet, it will now be neoliberalism’s burial place as well. Patricio Zamorano, a Chilean political analyst and director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs ( talks about what we can expect from a Boric presidency.

Full Interview – Powerful Christian Nationalists in Military See Trump as Vehicle for Authoritarian Religious State – Mikey Weinstein
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Full Interview – Powerful Christian Nationalists in Military See Trump as Vehicle for Authoritarian Religious State – Mikey Weinstein

Christian fundamentalist nationalists in the senior ranks of the military, see Trump as an instrument of God’s plan to create an authoritarian Christian state. The military allows active proselytizing and recruitment of soldiers, contrary to the constitutional separation of church and state. Many of these officers and soldiers were involved in the events leading up to and on Jan 6th, which has been described as an attempted coup. Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation joins Paul Jay on

Biden Reneged on Cuban Campaign Promise – James Early

Biden Reneged on Cuban Campaign Promise – James Early

President Biden broke with Obama’s agreements with Cuba and is continuing Trump’s sanctions and aggressive stance. There are real problems in Cuba, but democratization and economic reforms will be decided by the Cuban people, not the U.S. or the “Miami mafia”. James Early on with Paul Jay.

To Get Us Out of Poverty, We Need a Massive Infrastructure Plan  – Ann Morrison / Wisconsin

To Get Us Out of Poverty, We Need a Massive Infrastructure Plan – Ann Morrison / Wisconsin

In a report from rural Wisconsin, Ann Morrison says she and her neighbours are suffering from decades of neglect as the local economy has been wrecked by neoliberal polices from both major parties. She calls for an FDR style New Deal and to stop blaming the poor for poverty.

Fighting for Peace and Equality in Israel – Rula Daood and Alon-Lee Green

Fighting for Peace and Equality in Israel – Rula Daood and Alon-Lee Green

Standing Together is an organizing body for Palestinian and Jewish citizens of Israel. They say the struggle is for a society in which all Arabs and Jews enjoy security, freedom from violence, and, most of all, equality. Rula Daood and Alon-Lee Green join with Paul Jay, who asks, can there be equality for Palestinians within a Jewish state?

Only a Mass Movement Can Make Biden Deliver on Promises – Branco Marcetic

Only a Mass Movement Can Make Biden Deliver on Promises – Branco Marcetic

Will Joe Biden cast aside decades of conservative political wisdom and lead us to an FDR style presidency he’s talked about, or is this another case of Biden telling voters exactly what he thinks they want to hear? Branco Marcetic author of ‘Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden’, joins Paul Jay on podcast.

The Doomsday Machine and Nuclear Winter – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI Pt 11/13
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The Doomsday Machine and Nuclear Winter – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI Pt 11/13

An H-Bomb first strike will create firestorms and smoke that ends most human life; this is a fact ignored by military planners and by the Trump administration which doesn’t believe in climate science – says Daniel Ellsberg on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 23, 2018, with Paul Jay.

“The Democratic Party Can’t Just Whisper Sweet Nothings Anymore” – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 1/4)

“The Democratic Party Can’t Just Whisper Sweet Nothings Anymore” – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 1/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on January 17, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Nina Turner, former Ohio State Senator and leading Bernie Sanders surrogate during the primary, tells host Paul Jay that she grew up poor, believing in the Democratic Party and the Clintons, but she came to understand the failure of the Party to serve the needs of the African-American community and poor white workers.

Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt – Chris Hedges on RAI (pt 2/3)

Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt – Chris Hedges on RAI (pt 2/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on July 7, 2015. On Reality Asserts Itself, Chris Hedges and Paul Jay discuss Ferguson, Baltimore and the need to build a movement with candidates that targets white supremacy and corporate capitalism.

Patriotism and Lynching –  Bob Moses on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 2/9

Patriotism and Lynching – Bob Moses on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 2/9

Sad news that Bob Moses, a leader of the civil rights movement, died on July 25, 2021. We commemorate his work with a replay of his appearance on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, first released on June 20, 2014. Mr. Moses describes growing up in post-World War Two, cold war America.

The Modern History of Venezuela, The Protests and Democracy – Edgardo Lander on RAI (pt 8/9)
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The Modern History of Venezuela, The Protests and Democracy – Edgardo Lander on RAI (pt 8/9)

This interview was originally released on April 22, 2014. On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Lander says while there are problems with the democratic process in Venezuela, the current protests are anti-democratic attempts to bring down an elected government.

Modern History of Venezuela and the Need for a Post-Oil Economy – Edgardo Lander on RAI (pt 6/9)
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Modern History of Venezuela and the Need for a Post-Oil Economy – Edgardo Lander on RAI (pt 6/9)

This interview was originally released on April 17, 2014. On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Lander says to strengthen democracy, develop food sovereignty and help save the planet, Venezuela must develop a plan to transition away from an extractive economy.

Black Nationalism and the Peoples’ Movement  – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/5
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Black Nationalism and the Peoples’ Movement – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/5

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay: Glen Ford addresses the question whether black Americans constitute a nation, and if so, what is their role in the movement of the whole people. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 25, 2013, with Paul Jay.

Kennedy Was A Cold War Warrior to the Core – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 5/5
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Kennedy Was A Cold War Warrior to the Core – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 5/5

On this episode of Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, Glen Ford says there is no evidence that Kennedy differed from other U.S. presidents in striving for global hegemony. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 23, 2013, with Paul Jay.

Will Cuban Reforms Create More Inequality  –  James Early on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/3
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Will Cuban Reforms Create More Inequality – James Early on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/3

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, James Early who has visited Cuba more than thirty times says what’s needed is more citizen participation and less centralization but Cuba is not headed towards the Chinese capitalist model. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 18, 2013.