Bellicose British Foreign Policy in Ukraine and Gaza – Tom Stevenson part 2/2
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Bellicose British Foreign Policy in Ukraine and Gaza – Tom Stevenson part 2/2

In part 2, journalist Tom Stevenson discusses the nuclear threat posited by the ongoing war in Ukraine, with Russia recently staging tactical nuclear exercises close to the Ukrainian border, allegedly in response to provocative statements made by U.K.’s Foreign Secretary David Cameron endorsing Ukraine’s potential use of British-supplied weapons to strike Russian territory.  He also breaks down Israel’s destructive aims in Gaza and why certain bloody conflicts, such as the war in Tigray, have been forgotten.

Someone Else’s Empire: British Illusions and American Hegemony – Tom Stevenson part 1/2
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Someone Else’s Empire: British Illusions and American Hegemony – Tom Stevenson part 1/2

The post-World War II era was characterized by decolonization in Asia and Africa, with resistance movements leading to the unraveling of the British empire in colonies such as former British Kenya, where the Mau Mau launched a lengthy uprising between 1952-1960, as well as in former British India, with the dissolution of the British Raj and creation of an independent India and Pakistan in 1947. Journalist Tom Stevenson provides historical examples illustrating how the rise of American hegemony following the decline of Britain’s imperial power was bolstered by British foreign policy at every juncture. 

Selective Outrage: Why the Slaughter of Palestinians is Ignored by Western Governments – Sari Hanafi part 1/2

Selective Outrage: Why the Slaughter of Palestinians is Ignored by Western Governments – Sari Hanafi part 1/2

Following Israel’s killing of 7 WCK aid workers, Western politicians appeared to reconsider their unwavering support of Netanyahu’s government, if only for a brief moment. Iran’s attack on military targets in Israel, in response to Israel’s strike on an Iranian diplomatic compound in Damascus, has since been cited by the U.S. and Germany as a justification for continued military support for Israel. Sari Hanafi, Professor of Sociology at the American University of Beirut, discusses Germany’s past genocidal war crimes as well as the ICJ case brought by Nicaragua examining Germany’s complicity in genocide in Gaza. 

Catastrophic Foreign Intervention in Haiti – Jafrikayiti (pt 1/2)

Catastrophic Foreign Intervention in Haiti – Jafrikayiti (pt 1/2)

Following a disastrous UN mission in 2010, several Western-backed coups d’état, and the U.S. occupation of 1915-1934, the initiation of yet another foreign intervention in Haiti aligns with the longstanding imperial policy of the U.S., Canada, and European powers towards the country. Jafrikayiti, author and activist for Solidarité Québec-Haiti, underscores the broken social contract in Haiti, where installed leaders are neither elected by nor are accountable to the people but serve the interests of the private sector, over a dozen rich families, and the countries of the Core Group.

Arab-Americans in Michigan Denounce Biden’s Bankrolling of Destruction in Gaza – Shireen Al-Adeimi

Arab-Americans in Michigan Denounce Biden’s Bankrolling of Destruction in Gaza – Shireen Al-Adeimi

Dr. Shireen Al-Adeimi is a Professor of Language and Literacy at Michigan State University and a Non-Resident Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. Michigan is key to Biden’s presidential run, where Muslim and Arab-Americans in the state have withheld support from Biden due to his full backing of Israel’s genocidal project in Gaza.

Understanding U.S. Foreign Policy w/ Paul Jay Pt 1/2
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Understanding U.S. Foreign Policy w/ Paul Jay Pt 1/2

On this edition of “On the Barricades” we welcome back Paul Jay – the Canadian-American journalist, broadcaster, and filmmaker, the host of With Paul we discuss the nature of the American empire, and how do the elites exert their influence compared to Russia. We discuss how serious one should take the endless squabbles between Russia and the US in respects to Ukraine, and what differentiates Russia’s role in the world compared to the US. We discuss the efforts of a New Cold War with China.

American Politics and the World Pt 2/2

American Politics and the World Pt 2/2

On this episode of “On the Barricades” we continue our discussion with our frequent guest Paul Jay, Canadian-American journalist, broadcaster and filmmaker back on the program. The founder and host of responds to questions on Kamala Harris and what are the current state of affairs in the US in year two of the Biden Administration. We revisit a previous discussion on the efforts of Trump’s supporters in storming Capitol Hill and the characteristics between the two rival oligarch parties The Democrats and Republicans.

What Can Sanders Do as Budget Chair? – Rob Johnson

What Can Sanders Do as Budget Chair? – Rob Johnson

As Chair of the Senate Budget Committee, Bernie Sanders can force votes on Medicare for All and cuts to the military budget. He will face opposition from the GOP and within the Democratic Party. Rob Johnson was a Senior Economist for the Budget Committee and Chief Economist for the Senate Banking Committee. He joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Clinton, Blair, and Obama Destroyed the Idealism of Politics  – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 3/4
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Clinton, Blair, and Obama Destroyed the Idealism of Politics – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 3/4

On Reality Asserts Itself, actor Gabriel Byrne says his journey as an Irish immigrant helped to radicalize him, as did his disillusionment with leaders who promised transformation and delivered conservatism with a “different tie” – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 26, 2017.

Israel Wants U.S.  to Weaken and Isolate Iran  – RAI with Trita Parsi Pt 3/3
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Israel Wants U.S. to Weaken and Isolate Iran – RAI with Trita Parsi Pt 3/3

On Reality Asserts Itself, Trita Parsi says the Israelis are trying to push the United States to reestablish the pre-Iraq War status quo, but it’s not possible any longer. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced August 30, 2017, with Paul Jay.

Giving Grassroots Leaders a Voice  – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 2/5
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Giving Grassroots Leaders a Voice – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 2/5

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay: Glen Ford, Exec. Editor of Black Agenda Report, talks about helping create black radio news. He says that news media creates leaders by deciding what events are important and who is authorized to speak on the importance of those events. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 24, 2013 with Paul Jay.

Kennedy Was A Cold War Warrior to the Core – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 5/5
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Kennedy Was A Cold War Warrior to the Core – Glen Ford on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 5/5

On this episode of Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, Glen Ford says there is no evidence that Kennedy differed from other U.S. presidents in striving for global hegemony. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 23, 2013, with Paul Jay.

International Law and  The Responsibility to Protect  –  Vijay Prashad Pt 4/4
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International Law and The Responsibility to Protect – Vijay Prashad Pt 4/4

In the final segment of Paul Jay’s interview with Vijay Prashad on Reality Asserts Itself, the subject is the undermining of international law and military interventions in the name of human rights. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced August 11, 2013, with Paul Jay.

Bradley Manning, the Nuremberg Charter and Refusing to Collaborate with War Crimes  – Prashad Pt 3/4
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Bradley Manning, the Nuremberg Charter and Refusing to Collaborate with War Crimes – Prashad Pt 3/4

In this segment of Reality Asserts Itself, Paul Jay and Vijay Prashad discuss the Chelsea Manning case in light of the 68th anniversary of signing the Nuremberg Charter which states it is illegal to follow orders to commit a war crime. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced August 9, 2013, with Paul Jay.