Political Resistance in Senegal Through Food Sovereignty

Political Resistance in Senegal Through Food Sovereignty

Famara Diédhiou is the West Africa Program Officer at the Alliance for Food Security in Africa (AFSA). He is also one of the producers of a documentary feature film called The Last Seed, which was produced by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in cooperation with AFSA, Biowatch South Africa, and PELUM Tanzania. In this interview, Famara discusses why food security is not enough in a country such as Senegal, whose farming practices and dietary consumption have been negatively affected by agrochemical companies. He makes the case for food sovereignty, as well as the establishment of an agroecological approach to farming and rural planning which not only benefits local populations but also facilitates climate adaption strategies. What sort of socio-economic system would create the conditions necessary for this agroecological approach?

The War on Cuba Episode 4
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The War on Cuba Episode 4

Cuban journalist Liz Oliva Fernández investigates the mysterious health incidents reported by U.S. diplomatic personnel in Havana in 2017. The incidents — characterized as “sonic attacks,” “microwave attacks” and the “Havana Syndrome” — led to the shuttering of the U.S. Embassy and opened the doors to a barrage of devastating sanctions imposed by Trump and maintained by Biden. Liz interviews scientists from both countries who dismantle the theory that U.S. personnel were attacked. She shows how major media outlets fanned the flames of hysteria and speaks with the Cuban families separated by the near total closure of U.S. consular services.

Canada vs USA, Public vs Private Healthcare –  Mario Seccareccia

Canada vs USA, Public vs Private Healthcare – Mario Seccareccia

The Canadian public healthcare system has not been perfect, but it’s the privately owned facilities that have failed badly. Mario Seccareccia on theAnalysis.news podcast with Paul Jay. Transcript Paul Jay Hi, I’m Paul Jay, and welcome to theAnalysis.news podcast. Mario Seccareccia is an emeritus professor at the Department of Economics, University of Ottawa, where since…