Clinton and Obama Helped Make the Democrats a Wall Street Party – Thomas Frank on RAI (7/9)

Clinton and Obama Helped Make the Democrats a Wall Street Party – Thomas Frank on RAI (7/9)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Thomas Frank, author of Listen Liberal, says Democratic Party administrations allowed the big banks to run economic policy and create exploding income inequality – with host Paul Jay. This episode was produced on December 28, 2017.

From Ronald Reagan to Bernie Sanders – RAI with Thomas Frank (5/9)

From Ronald Reagan to Bernie Sanders – RAI with Thomas Frank (5/9)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Thomas Frank, author of ‘What’s the Matter with Kansas?’ and ‘Listen, Liberal,’ talks about his journey from being an enthusiastic supporter of the Vietnam War and Ronald Reagan to embracing Franklin Roosevelt and socialist Bernie Sanders. This episode was produced on September 15, 2017.

Clinton Democrats Hate the Left – RAI with Thomas Frank (4/9)

Clinton Democrats Hate the Left – RAI with Thomas Frank (4/9)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Thomas Frank, author of ‘What’s the Matter with Kansas?’ and ‘Listen, Liberal,’ tells host Paul Jay that Bill Clinton tried to drive the left from the party; now Clinton Democrats blame the left for Hillary’s defeat. This episode was produced on September 12, 2017.