Russia Out of Ukraine, Disband NATO – Latvian Politician’s Plan for Peace
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Russia Out of Ukraine, Disband NATO – Latvian Politician’s Plan for Peace

As the war of attrition between Russia and Ukraine continues to exact a catastrophic death toll for civilians and military forces alike, the prospect of a lasting peace remains elusive. Latvian politician Igor Pimenov denounces President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, calling it a colonial war that also adversely affects the Russian population. Pimenov lays out his proposal for a multilateral peace agreement between Ukraine, Russia, and its European neighbors.

Beyond Genocide in Gaza: Settler Violence in the West Bank – Omer Bartov

Beyond Genocide in Gaza: Settler Violence in the West Bank – Omer Bartov

As Israel continues its campaign of destruction in Gaza, the situation in the West Bank has deteriorated, with the Israeli Defense Forces as well as settlers killing over 500 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7. Holocaust and genocide studies scholar Dr. Omer Bartov unpacks Israel’s genocidal strategy in the Gaza Strip, and describes the surge of settler violence towards Palestinians. Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir has not only armed the settlers but has been incorporating them into Israeli forces operating in the West Bank. 

Biden’s Loyalty to Israel Rooted in Cold War & Laced with AIPAC Money – Adolph Reed pt 2/2

Biden’s Loyalty to Israel Rooted in Cold War & Laced with AIPAC Money – Adolph Reed pt 2/2

Paul Jay welcomes Adolph Reed, an academic, author, activist, and organizer, for part two of their discussion. Reed says there should be no illusions about corporate Democrats’ aggressive foreign policies, especially in Gaza and Ukraine, but there should also be no illusions that Trump won’t be dangerously worse.

Why Did Biden Slam ICC Over Israeli-Hamas Arrest Warrants? – Assal Rad 

Why Did Biden Slam ICC Over Israeli-Hamas Arrest Warrants? – Assal Rad 

The Biden administration has denounced ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan for seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, and Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Ismael Haniyeh, and Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri. Middle East analyst Assal Rad underscores the U.S. government’s complicity in Israeli war crimes in Gaza by arming Israel despite numerous ICJ rulings calling for Netanyahu’s government to adhere to its commitments under the Genocide Convention, and most recently, to immediately halt its operation in Rafah. She also discusses the potential implications of the recent deaths of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. 

Uphill on the Hill

Uphill on the Hill

Liz Oliva Fernández travels to Washington, D.C., to find out why Joe Biden has embraced Donald Trump’s Cold War-era policy toward Cuba, devastating the island’s economy and fueling unprecedented migration to the U.S. border with Mexico. Oliva Fernández interviews Rep. Jim McGovern, former CIA analyst Fulton Armstrong, and Cuban-American business executive Carlos Gutiérrez, who served as Secretary of Commerce under George W. Bush. Oliva Fernández shows how a handful of extremist Cuban-American politicians have dictated U.S. policy towards Cuba, including designating Cuba a State Sponsor of Terrorism without any evidence. This video was produced by Belly of the Beast Cuba.

From Rafah to an Abyss – Israel to Continue Attack on 1.4 Million Palestinians – Joshua Landis (part 2/2)
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From Rafah to an Abyss – Israel to Continue Attack on 1.4 Million Palestinians – Joshua Landis (part 2/2)

In part 2, Joshua Landis discusses Hamas’ recent ceasefire proposal and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s planned ground incursion into Rafah. Netanyahu has rejected international calls to abandon a military onslaught on the densely populated area around the Rafah Crossing, where 1.4 million Palestinians from all over the Gaza Strip are seeking shelter in a 64-square-kilometer area. Landis contends that Bibi’s explicit repudiation of a two-state solution, as well as lack of plans to guarantee the safety of civilians before launching an invasion of Rafah, does little to assuage concerns about the continued ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip.

Why did UAW’s Shawn Fain Endorse Biden After Calling for a Ceasefire? – Frank Hammer
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Why did UAW’s Shawn Fain Endorse Biden After Calling for a Ceasefire? – Frank Hammer

UAW president Shawn Fain called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza yet endorsed Biden, who has been accused of complicity in Israel’s genocidal war. Frank Hammer, a former president and chairman of the United Auto Workers local 909 in Detroit, joins theAnalysis to discuss the role of the UAW and the working class in balancing opposing Biden’s policies and a possible Trump victory.

Arab-Americans in Michigan Denounce Biden’s Bankrolling of Destruction in Gaza – Shireen Al-Adeimi

Arab-Americans in Michigan Denounce Biden’s Bankrolling of Destruction in Gaza – Shireen Al-Adeimi

Dr. Shireen Al-Adeimi is a Professor of Language and Literacy at Michigan State University and a Non-Resident Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. Michigan is key to Biden’s presidential run, where Muslim and Arab-Americans in the state have withheld support from Biden due to his full backing of Israel’s genocidal project in Gaza.

Debt Ceiling Theater and the Trump Parallel Universe

Debt Ceiling Theater and the Trump Parallel Universe

Paul Jay interviews Tom Ferguson about the debt ceiling crisis in the United States. Ferguson explains that the debate over the debt ceiling is largely theater, with both Democrats and Republicans working together to cut spending while maintaining the appearance of opposition. He criticizes the Democrats for not raising the debt ceiling earlier when they had the opportunity and suggests that their reluctance is due to their desire to secure more campaign funding for future elections. Ferguson argues that the spending cuts rolled back are not significant enough to impact inflation and proposes alternative measures, such as taxing the wealthy and reducing defense spending, to address the issue. He also discusses the influence of money in politics and the Democratic Party’s efforts to weaken the progressive wing.

Yemen: Biden’s Hypocrisy and Possible Peace?

Yemen: Biden’s Hypocrisy and Possible Peace?

Shireen Al-Adeimi, Professor of Language and Literacy at Michigan State University, lays out the U.S., U.K., and Canada’s role in perpetuating the brutal Saudi-led blockade of Yemen. She exposes Biden’s continued military support of Saudi Arabia, despite the administration’s pledge to only send defensive support, and calls into question the misleading dichotomy of “offensive” vs. “defensive” military support. Is a peace deal more likely now that the Houthi and Saudi representatives have met in Sana’a?

Significance of China-Brokered Iran-Saudi Agreement – Trita Parsi
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Significance of China-Brokered Iran-Saudi Agreement – Trita Parsi

Saudi Arabia and Iran have agreed to re-establish diplomatic ties, with China showing itself to be a neutral and effective negotiator in the region. Talia Baroncelli speaks to Trita Parsi, the Executive Vice President of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, on how this shift in Saudi-Iran relations affects Israel’s posture toward achieving normalization with Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, the United States’ recent departure from its usual condemnation of Israeli drone strikes on Iran and its open support for Israeli belligerence signals a new dangerous policy that increases the likelihood of war with Iran.

Will Jan 6 Committee Investigate Christian Nationalism? – Gerald Horne

Will Jan 6 Committee Investigate Christian Nationalism? – Gerald Horne

While the Jan 6th committee will produce hundreds of hours of testimony important for the historical record, have they investigated the reasons why ten former secretaries of defense and the editorial board of the Financial Times thought a coup was in progress – on Jan 4th? What was the role of Christian Nationalism in the military? What is the threat of another coup attempt in the future? Gerald Horne joins Paul Jay on

For Humanity’s Sake, Ukraine War Must End – Wilkerson

For Humanity’s Sake, Ukraine War Must End – Wilkerson

An important Chinese commentator warns that a cornered Russia may lead to “unimaginable consequences”. Larry Wilkerson says there must be immediate negotiations to end the war to avoid the danger of nuclear conflict and to refocus the world on the climate crisis. Wilkerson and Jay also discuss rising fascism in the U.S.

Biden’s Bill has Significant Funding for Climate but 10% of What’s Needed – Bob Pollin
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Biden’s Bill has Significant Funding for Climate but 10% of What’s Needed – Bob Pollin

The so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” will have a positive affect on the climate crisis, but it does not phase out fossil fuel and is far from what’s needed. Big industrial states like New York and California can and must go much further. Bob Pollin on with Paul Jay.

Biden’s China Policy: A More Polite Trump – Amb. Chas Freeman
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Biden’s China Policy: A More Polite Trump – Amb. Chas Freeman

Retired Ambassador Chas Freeman, Nixon’s translator during his 1972 trip to China, says U.S. policy to China remains a desire to hold on to primacy globally and regionally. Biden’s approach so far is not much different than the aggressive posture of Trump. This interview was originally conducted on March 12, 2021.

Ukrainian Buzarov and Russian Buzgalin on the Conflict in Ukraine

Ukrainian Buzarov and Russian Buzgalin on the Conflict in Ukraine

In an interview recorded on Feb. 23rd, Buzarov says the Russians have invaded and violated Ukrainian sovereignty. Buzgalin says the people of Donbass have a right to independence if they choose, but a peace movement should be built to oppose the oligarchs and bureaucrats on all sides who are inflaming the situation for profits.

Resource Limits to American Capitalism & The Predator State Today

Resource Limits to American Capitalism & The Predator State Today

James K. Galbraith discusses the shift of US capitalism from an industrial state to what he calls a predator state: a finance-led, military-centered corporate republic that continues to prevail. To overcome it, he lays out what is needed to focus on employment, stability and adjustments to rising resource costs. Lynn Fries interviews Galbraith on GPEnewsdocs.

Russian Political Scientist: “The Russian Public has no Appetite for War” – Stanislav Byshok Pt 1

Russian Political Scientist: “The Russian Public has no Appetite for War” – Stanislav Byshok Pt 1

Stanislav Byshok will explain the attitudes of the Russian public and the reactions of the Russian media to the growing tensions between Moscow and Washington over Ukraine in a two-part conversation hosted by Maria Cernat and Boyan Stanislavski. Other aspects of the Russian perspective on recent events and processes are also being discussed.

Julian Assange & the National Security State | Interview with Paul Jay – Part 2

Julian Assange & the National Security State | Interview with Paul Jay – Part 2

In this second part of the interview series with filmmaker and journalist Paul Jay, they assess Biden’s foreign policy since taking office. They also explore whether the fight for press freedom will continue if Julian Assange is extradited to the U.S., and why the national security state continues to pursue him despite the serious consequences for press freedom.

Why Are Tensions Rising in Ukraine? – pt 1/2
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Why Are Tensions Rising in Ukraine? – pt 1/2

Biden is threatening severe sanctions claiming Russia is getting ready to invade Ukraine. Russia says NATO expansion is a threat and Ukraine is provoking a confrontation. East European journalists Maria Cernat and Boyan Stanislavski join Paul Jay in a collaboration between “The Barricade” and

Russia’s ‘imminent’ invasion of Ukraine or a slow ‘annexation’ of Donbass?
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Russia’s ‘imminent’ invasion of Ukraine or a slow ‘annexation’ of Donbass?

Despite widespread speculation, a shooting war between Ukraine and Russia is highly unlikely. The ‘annexation’ of the breakaway republics is on the horizon.

The media all over the world, most notably in Europe and North America, has been attempting to persuade the public in recent weeks that Russia is about to invade Ukraine. However, there are a number of reasonable doubts about this interpretation.

The War on Cuba Episode 4
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The War on Cuba Episode 4

Cuban journalist Liz Oliva Fernández investigates the mysterious health incidents reported by U.S. diplomatic personnel in Havana in 2017. The incidents — characterized as “sonic attacks,” “microwave attacks” and the “Havana Syndrome” — led to the shuttering of the U.S. Embassy and opened the doors to a barrage of devastating sanctions imposed by Trump and maintained by Biden. Liz interviews scientists from both countries who dismantle the theory that U.S. personnel were attacked. She shows how major media outlets fanned the flames of hysteria and speaks with the Cuban families separated by the near total closure of U.S. consular services.

American Politics and the World Pt 2/2

American Politics and the World Pt 2/2

On this episode of “On the Barricades” we continue our discussion with our frequent guest Paul Jay, Canadian-American journalist, broadcaster and filmmaker back on the program. The founder and host of responds to questions on Kamala Harris and what are the current state of affairs in the US in year two of the Biden Administration. We revisit a previous discussion on the efforts of Trump’s supporters in storming Capitol Hill and the characteristics between the two rival oligarch parties The Democrats and Republicans.

A Second Pink Tide in Latin America? – Pt 2/2

A Second Pink Tide in Latin America? – Pt 2/2

With the left’s recent electoral successes in Peru and Bolivia, and previously in Mexico and Argentina, does this mean that there is a second so-called “Pink Tide” in Latin America? If so, how do we make sense of the first Pink Tide, its successes and failures, and what might Latin America’s left have learned from the first tide, as it gets ready to take power in several countries? René Rojas, professor at SUNY Binghamton, and Hilary Goodfriend, of Jacobin Magazine Latin America, argue that while the left needs a clearer economic plan, it is at an advantage at the moment because of the right’s disarray across the region.