Full Interview – Powerful Christian Nationalists in Military See Trump as Vehicle for Authoritarian Religious State – Mikey Weinstein
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Full Interview – Powerful Christian Nationalists in Military See Trump as Vehicle for Authoritarian Religious State – Mikey Weinstein

Christian fundamentalist nationalists in the senior ranks of the military, see Trump as an instrument of God’s plan to create an authoritarian Christian state. The military allows active proselytizing and recruitment of soldiers, contrary to the constitutional separation of church and state. Many of these officers and soldiers were involved in the events leading up to and on Jan 6th, which has been described as an attempted coup. Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news

Biden Reneged on Cuban Campaign Promise – James Early

Biden Reneged on Cuban Campaign Promise – James Early

President Biden broke with Obama’s agreements with Cuba and is continuing Trump’s sanctions and aggressive stance. There are real problems in Cuba, but democratization and economic reforms will be decided by the Cuban people, not the U.S. or the “Miami mafia”. James Early on theAnalysis.news with Paul Jay.

Modest Inflation is Good for Workers – Bob Pollin

Modest Inflation is Good for Workers – Bob Pollin

Will a large infrastructure plan create inflation? If inflation is linked to higher wages, that’s not bad for workers, says Pollin. Large increases in inflation have been linked to higher oil prices which are unlikely. What’s missing from the Biden plan is it doesn’t sufficiently address a just transition for fossil fuel workers. Bob Pollin joins theAnalysis.news with Paul Jay.

Is Israel a Strategic Asset or Liability? – Wilkerson

Is Israel a Strategic Asset or Liability? – Wilkerson

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson argues that American one-sided support for Israel is a danger to the region and U.S. interests. He says the U.S. should withdraw militarily from the Middle East and end support for Israel and Saudi Arabia. Doing so would encourage regional compromise, not war. Larry Wilkerson on theAnalysis.news with Paul Jay.

Not Much Climate Plan in Biden Jobs Plan – Robert Pollin

Not Much Climate Plan in Biden Jobs Plan – Robert Pollin

The Biden “Jobs Plan” contains some good infrastructure proposals, but most of the spending will not reduce carbon emissions. Only two million buildings are targeted for retrofitting and there are no serious regulations to force investment into sustainable energy. Robert Pollin joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news

Biden’s Syria Deception: The Norwegian Connection

Biden’s Syria Deception: The Norwegian Connection

Contrary to the Biden administration’s claim, it seems that the recent missile strike in Syria was not carried out in consultation with at least one of the US’s main allies in the region: Norway. But why is Norway involved in the Middle East anyway? Greg Wilpert talks about the issue with Eirik Vold, a parliamentary advisor to Norway’s Red Party.

Is Biden a Transformational President? Rightwinger David Brooks Thinks So

Is Biden a Transformational President? Rightwinger David Brooks Thinks So

The corporate sector mostly supports the stimulus package as fears of inflation have subsided and it wants the economy to expand. Many of Biden’s policies are very progressive and open a path for the left to fight to make them permanent. But have no illusions about the class character of the Biden administration or its foreign policy. Paul Heideman (Jacobin) and Paul Jay discuss what the left should do, on theAnalysis.news

Is Protecting the Murderous Crown Prince in the National Interest? – Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson

Is Protecting the Murderous Crown Prince in the National Interest? – Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson

In whose “national interest” is an alliance a with a criminal state that sponsors terrorism, viciously suppresses domestic dissent, acts against democratic movements, and promotes war in the region? Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson join Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news with Paul Jay.

Where is Biden’s Foreign Policy Headed? – Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson
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Where is Biden’s Foreign Policy Headed? – Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson

Biden has appointed many old guard interventionists and new Cold Warriors, but there is some hope for a better Iran policy. Watch out for attempts by Israel to scuttle the nuclear deal. A wide-ranging discussion with Phyllis Bennis and Larry Wilkerson on theAnalysis.news with Paul Jay.

What Can Sanders Do as Budget Chair? – Rob Johnson

What Can Sanders Do as Budget Chair? – Rob Johnson

As Chair of the Senate Budget Committee, Bernie Sanders can force votes on Medicare for All and cuts to the military budget. He will face opposition from the GOP and within the Democratic Party. Rob Johnson was a Senior Economist for the Budget Committee and Chief Economist for the Senate Banking Committee. He joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news podcast.

Rashida Tlaib – Remove Members of Congress Who Incited Riot and Demand Real Change From Biden

Rashida Tlaib – Remove Members of Congress Who Incited Riot and Demand Real Change From Biden

Congresswoman Tlaib says impeach Trump and use the 14th amendment against others responsible for attack on the Capitol. Tlaib says people should demand Biden urgently deal with poverty and inequality and not cater to corporate interests. Rashida Tlaib on theAnalysis.news with Paul Jay.

Divisions in Democratic Party Based on Interest, Not Tactics – Norman Solomon

Divisions in Democratic Party Based on Interest, Not Tactics – Norman Solomon

Corporate Democrats see market economies as the future and love to see rich people get richer. The left wants a society where government is committed to health care, education, and housing as a human right. The question is, how can a progressive movement grow strong enough to force the Biden administration to deliver on a more democratic-socialist and non-militarist agenda? Norman Solomon on theAnalysis.news podcast with Paul Jay.

Democrats Stuck Between “BlackRock and a Hard Place” – Rana Foroohar and Mark Blyth
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Democrats Stuck Between “BlackRock and a Hard Place” – Rana Foroohar and Mark Blyth

Democrats are caught in structural hypocrisy as they juggle the interests of Wall. St, workers, the right-wing and the progressive wing of the party. Rana Foroohar and Mark Blyth join Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news podcast.

Economics Not Culture Wars Drove Most Trump Voters – Thomas Ferguson

Economics Not Culture Wars Drove Most Trump Voters – Thomas Ferguson

The notion that racism and sexism were the primary factors driving the Trump vote is not born out by the data, economics was very important too. The rural working-class found their lives a little better under Trump and don’t believe the Democrats care about them. Will Biden address the inequality or bend to the demands of Wall Street? Thomas Ferguson joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news podcast.

We Don’t Have to Live in Mitch McConnell’s World – Max Moran

We Don’t Have to Live in Mitch McConnell’s World – Max Moran

If he wants to, and that’s a big if, Biden has several tools available to circumvent McConnell’s Senate and still appoint the Cabinet secretaries he needs; plus 277 actions that are in the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force documents that can be accomplished with an executive order. Max Moran joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news podcast.

Time to End the “Ceasefire” – Gerald Horne

Time to End the “Ceasefire” – Gerald Horne

The election shows that anti-elitism has been captured by the right. It’s time for progressives to end the “ceasefire”, and fight the enormous pressure that will be exerted to make the Biden administration “get along” with a Republican controlled Senate. Progressives must fight anti-Trump neocons pushing Democrats further right, says Gerald Horne on theAnalysis.news podcast with Paul Jay.

Climate Crisis Deciding Factor in Election – Robert Pollin

Climate Crisis Deciding Factor in Election – Robert Pollin

Biden’s climate plan has serious defects but Trump’s aggressive climate denial must be defeated, says economist Robert Pollin, co-author with Noam Chomsky of Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal: The Political Economy of Saving the Planet. Additionally, Pollin reveals that a Nobel- Prize-winning economist says that four degrees warming above pre-industrial levels would be “optimal” — something climate scientists consider cataclysmic. Robert Pollin joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news podcast.