Don’t Rely on Corporate Democrats to Fight the Right

Don’t Rely on Corporate Democrats to Fight the Right

Eric Blanc (Jacobin Magazine), fears a Corporate Democrat repeat of the 2000 elections when Gore refused to fight once the Supreme Court gave the election to Bush. He says a workers’ movement is needed to push back the right and points to the recent teacher strikes as an example. On with Paul Jay.

The Significance of the “Shit Show” Debate – Panitch, Day, Horne & Jay

The Significance of the “Shit Show” Debate – Panitch, Day, Horne & Jay

Prof. Leo Panitch, Jacobin writer Meagan Day, and Historian Gerald Horne join Paul Jay to analyze the Presidential debate and the underlying reasons why the U.S. political system is in disarray. They discuss how the people’s movement will respond to a possible Trump coup if he loses the election.

Why Criticize Biden Now, When Trump Fascism is a Threat? – with Paul Jay

Why Criticize Biden Now, When Trump Fascism is a Threat? – with Paul Jay

A viewer writes: should Paul Jay’s critique of Biden wait till after the election? Jay says we need to defeat Trump, but without creating illusions about Biden. We have to build a non-sectarian, broad people’s movement with a class conscious core. Lucas Alden interviews Paul Jay (Pt2) on podcast.

A Massive People’s Movement Can Prevent Trump Stealing the Election

A Massive People’s Movement Can Prevent Trump Stealing the Election

Prof. Allan Jay Lichtman has correctly predicted the outcome of every election since 1984. His model says Biden will win the vote in 2020, but he thinks Trump is planning to work with Republican governors and secretaries of state to rig the final result. Only a people’s movement on a massive scale can prevent a Trump coup says Paul Jay. Prof. Lichtman is the guest on podcast.

Biden Not Phasing Out Fossil Fuel,  Relies on Carbon Capture – Robert Pollin

Biden Not Phasing Out Fossil Fuel, Relies on Carbon Capture – Robert Pollin

While better than Trump’s climate denial, a review of the Biden climate plan reveals an over reliance on unproven carbon capture and far too limited investment in solar and wind. Biden positions the plan as part of rivalry with China instead of climate cooperation. Bob Pollin joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Only a Mass Movement Can Make Biden Deliver on Promises – Branco Marcetic

Only a Mass Movement Can Make Biden Deliver on Promises – Branco Marcetic

Will Joe Biden cast aside decades of conservative political wisdom and lead us to an FDR style presidency he’s talked about, or is this another case of Biden telling voters exactly what he thinks they want to hear? Branco Marcetic author of ‘Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden’, joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Biden’s Climate Plan Won’t Prevent Catastrophe – Dayton Martindale
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Biden’s Climate Plan Won’t Prevent Catastrophe – Dayton Martindale

While Biden’s latest climate plan is much improved, it’s far short of what scientists say is needed. Biden’s aggressive rhetoric will not help build a joint climate plan with China, a crucial step for any global plan to succeed. Dayton Martindale joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Trump a Unique Danger; Unaccountable to Ruling Elites or Public – Phyllis Bennis

Trump a Unique Danger; Unaccountable to Ruling Elites or Public – Phyllis Bennis

Trump inspires the most reactionary, racist, Islamophobic, xenophobic sectors of U.S. Population; Biden represents a more pragmatic imperialism and a socially liberal approach on domestic issues, says Phyllis Bennis on podcast with Paul Jay. (photo by T.C.Hall Media)

The Occupation of the American Mind – RAI with Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters (pt 3/3)
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The Occupation of the American Mind – RAI with Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters (pt 3/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on March 23, 2016. Paul Jay speaks to Roger Waters and Sut Jhally about the new film “The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States.”