Julian Assange: Most Decisive Press Freedom Case of Our Time – Stefania Maurizi

Julian Assange: Most Decisive Press Freedom Case of Our Time – Stefania Maurizi

Facing extradition to the United States, WikiLeaks founder and publisher Julian Assange has been held in arbitrary detention under psychologically distressing conditions for years in the U.K. Stefania Maurizi, a journalist for the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano, recounts what she witnessed at Assange’s most recent hearing at a U.K. High Court in London, where his lawyers argued for the right to appeal his extradition. She lays out the case for releasing Assange in the name of preserving press freedoms and serving the public’s right to be informed of war crimes and abuses of state power.

Secret Power and the Persecution of Julian Assange – Stefania Maurizi

Secret Power and the Persecution of Julian Assange – Stefania Maurizi

War crimes, coercion, and illegal surveillance: Stefania Maurizi’s book “Secret Power: Wikileaks and its Enemies” chronicles Wikileaks’ publication of secret documents and the ongoing dehumanizing treatment of its founder, Julian Assange. Talia Baroncelli speaks to investigative journalist Stefania Maurizi.

Mini Doc: Gore Vidal’s History of the National Security State

Mini Doc: Gore Vidal’s History of the National Security State

When Julian Assange was arrested, he was holding up a copy of Paul Jay’s book, “Gore Vidal’s History of the National Security State.” This mini-documentary is the original 2005 interview with Vidal, upon which the book is based. We are republishing on the occasion of the release of Julian Assange after five years in prison.

Why the Media is Now Supporting Julian Assange? – Paul Jay pt 2/2

Why the Media is Now Supporting Julian Assange? – Paul Jay pt 2/2

In part 2 of our conversation with award-winning documentary filmmaker and editor-in-chief of theAnalysis.news Paul Jay, we talk about the situation in Iran and why the U.S. is no longer seeking a nuclear agreement. We also talk about why the mainstream media is now coming out in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The interview was conducted by Zain Raza for acTVism Munich.

Julian Assange & the National Security State | Interview with Paul Jay – Part 2

Julian Assange & the National Security State | Interview with Paul Jay – Part 2

In this second part of the interview series with filmmaker and journalist Paul Jay, they assess Biden’s foreign policy since taking office. They also explore whether the fight for press freedom will continue if Julian Assange is extradited to the U.S., and why the national security state continues to pursue him despite the serious consequences for press freedom.

Can we save Assange? We will not give up! Abby Martin, Snowden, Chomsky & others speak out!
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Can we save Assange? We will not give up! Abby Martin, Snowden, Chomsky & others speak out!

In this video, acTVism compiled past statements by leading intellectuals, journalists, whistleblowers, etc. that provide context to the Assange case and also warn of the consequences that the extradition of Assange will have on democracy. These statements were made before a British court ruled in favor of the U.S. to extradite Assange.

Daniel Ellsberg on the Assange Extradition and Growing Fascism

Daniel Ellsberg on the Assange Extradition and Growing Fascism

[A full video interview] The leaker of the Pentagon Papers says that if Assange is extradited to the U.S., no journalist in the world is safe from being kidnapped to the United States to face life imprisonment for reporting on information like Chelsea Manning released. Daniel Ellsberg joins Paul Jay on theanalysis.news podcast.

Assange, Sheldon Adelson, and the CIA – Max Blumenthal

Assange, Sheldon Adelson, and the CIA – Max Blumenthal

With the death of Sheldon Adelson, we replay this interview with Max Blumenthal. The CIA used an Adelson controlled company to spy on Julian Assange. Billionaire Casino owner Sheldon Adelson was a key player in making Trump president; has a history of money laundering; consorting with organized crime families; is a fervent supporter of the Israeli right, and advocates for attacking Iran. Max Blumenthal joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news podcast.

The Vietnam War was a Seminal Event for Me –  Michael Ratner on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 1/7

The Vietnam War was a Seminal Event for Me – Michael Ratner on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 1/7

Mr. Ratner, President Emeritus of the Center for Constitutional Rights, tells Paul Jay that the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War transformed him from a “good liberal kid” into an activist questioning the role of America in the world. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced March 2, 2014 with Paul Jay.