Paul Jay – Elon Musk’s Trump Card: Unmasking the Billionaire’s Political Play

Paul Jay – Elon Musk’s Trump Card: Unmasking the Billionaire’s Political Play

Tune in as we peel back the layers of Elon Musk’s surprising support for Donald Trump. Is the tech titan really championing meritocracy and free speech, or is there a hidden agenda? From self-driving cars to space rockets, we’ll explore how Musk’s business empire might benefit from a Trump presidency. 

We’ll dive into the contradictions between Musk’s green tech image and Trump’s climate denial, and examine how the world’s richest man views unions, regulations, and the future of AI. Plus, we’ll uncover the personal drama fueling Musk’s political shift.

Get ready for a wild ride through the mind of a maverick billionaire and the potential consequences for us all. Is Musk’s vision of “Making America Greater” a technological utopia or a dystopian nightmare? Listen now and decide for yourself!

Trump and Vance’s “Pro-Worker” Rhetoric a Cover for Tech Billionaires – Jonathan M. Katz

Trump and Vance’s “Pro-Worker” Rhetoric a Cover for Tech Billionaires – Jonathan M. Katz

During the hyper-masculine clown car that was the Republican National Convention, Trump and his VP nominee, J.D. Vance, spewed absurd anti-migrant accusations and supposed pro-worker policies. Journalist and author Jonathan M. Katz breaks down the reactionary rhetoric of MAGA Republicans and argues that Vance’s populism is anything but worker-friendly, given his well-established ties to Silicon Valley.  

Ronald Reagan: The Face of Racism & the Military-Industrial Complex – Matt Tyrnauer (pt 2/5)

Ronald Reagan: The Face of Racism & the Military-Industrial Complex – Matt Tyrnauer (pt 2/5)

Reagan understood the American psyche from within it. He used his acting skills to sell right-wing “dog whistles” and militarism. Matt Tyrnauer, director of “The Reagans”, on with Paul Jay. This interview was originally published on January 29, 2021.

Debt Ceiling Theater and the Trump Parallel Universe

Debt Ceiling Theater and the Trump Parallel Universe

Paul Jay interviews Tom Ferguson about the debt ceiling crisis in the United States. Ferguson explains that the debate over the debt ceiling is largely theater, with both Democrats and Republicans working together to cut spending while maintaining the appearance of opposition. He criticizes the Democrats for not raising the debt ceiling earlier when they had the opportunity and suggests that their reluctance is due to their desire to secure more campaign funding for future elections. Ferguson argues that the spending cuts rolled back are not significant enough to impact inflation and proposes alternative measures, such as taxing the wealthy and reducing defense spending, to address the issue. He also discusses the influence of money in politics and the Democratic Party’s efforts to weaken the progressive wing.

American Politics and the World Pt 2/2

American Politics and the World Pt 2/2

On this episode of “On the Barricades” we continue our discussion with our frequent guest Paul Jay, Canadian-American journalist, broadcaster and filmmaker back on the program. The founder and host of responds to questions on Kamala Harris and what are the current state of affairs in the US in year two of the Biden Administration. We revisit a previous discussion on the efforts of Trump’s supporters in storming Capitol Hill and the characteristics between the two rival oligarch parties The Democrats and Republicans.

A Second Pink Tide in Latin America? – Pt 2/2

A Second Pink Tide in Latin America? – Pt 2/2

With the left’s recent electoral successes in Peru and Bolivia, and previously in Mexico and Argentina, does this mean that there is a second so-called “Pink Tide” in Latin America? If so, how do we make sense of the first Pink Tide, its successes and failures, and what might Latin America’s left have learned from the first tide, as it gets ready to take power in several countries? René Rojas, professor at SUNY Binghamton, and Hilary Goodfriend, of Jacobin Magazine Latin America, argue that while the left needs a clearer economic plan, it is at an advantage at the moment because of the right’s disarray across the region.

A Second Pink Tide in Latin America? – Pt 1/2

A Second Pink Tide in Latin America? – Pt 1/2

With the left’s recent electoral successes in Peru and Bolivia, and previously in Mexico and Argentina, does this mean that there is a second so-called “Pink Tide” in Latin America? If so, how do we make sense of the first Pink Tide, its successes and failures, and what might Latin America’s left have learned from the first tide, as it gets ready to take power in several countries? René Rojas, professor at SUNY Binghamton, and Hilary Goodfriend, of Jacobin Magazine Latin America, argue that while the left needs a clearer economic plan, it is at an advantage at the moment because of the right’s disarray across the region.

Full Interview – Powerful Christian Nationalists in Military See Trump as Vehicle for Authoritarian Religious State – Mikey Weinstein
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Full Interview – Powerful Christian Nationalists in Military See Trump as Vehicle for Authoritarian Religious State – Mikey Weinstein

Christian fundamentalist nationalists in the senior ranks of the military, see Trump as an instrument of God’s plan to create an authoritarian Christian state. The military allows active proselytizing and recruitment of soldiers, contrary to the constitutional separation of church and state. Many of these officers and soldiers were involved in the events leading up to and on Jan 6th, which has been described as an attempted coup. Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation joins Paul Jay on

Powerful Christian Nationalists in Military See Trump as Vehicle for Authoritarian Religious State – Trailer
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Powerful Christian Nationalists in Military See Trump as Vehicle for Authoritarian Religious State – Trailer

Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, says quite possibly as much as a third of the U.S. military have been recruited to extreme Christian Nationalism, including at the highest levels. They were heavily involved in the events of Jan 6th. The full interview is available on with Paul Jay.

Fannie Lou Hamer and the Racist Dixiecrats – Bob Moses on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 6/9

Fannie Lou Hamer and the Racist Dixiecrats – Bob Moses on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 6/9

Sad news that Bob Moses, a leader of the civil rights movement, died on July 25, 2021. We commemorate his work with a replay of his appearance on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, first released on June 20, 2014. Mr. Moses describes how in 1874 the white racist Democratic Party violently overthrew the Governor of Mississippi (who had been elected by a mostly black Republican Party), and how these Dixiecrats became a wing of the national Democratic Party right up to 1964, when the Mississippi Freedom Democrats ended their reign.

To Get Us Out of Poverty, We Need a Massive Infrastructure Plan  – Ann Morrison / Wisconsin

To Get Us Out of Poverty, We Need a Massive Infrastructure Plan – Ann Morrison / Wisconsin

In a report from rural Wisconsin, Ann Morrison says she and her neighbours are suffering from decades of neglect as the local economy has been wrecked by neoliberal polices from both major parties. She calls for an FDR style New Deal and to stop blaming the poor for poverty.

The Global Consequences of Jan. 6 and the Mass Base of Fascism – Gerald Horne
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The Global Consequences of Jan. 6 and the Mass Base of Fascism – Gerald Horne

How has the turmoil of Jan 6th and talk of coups affected American ability to control global events, especially as regards to China? The basis for fascism exists in the U.S. as a significant number of people who voted for Trump support a more racist and repressive state. Historian Gerald Horne on with Paul Jay.

Rashida Tlaib – Remove Members of Congress Who Incited Riot and Demand Real Change From Biden

Rashida Tlaib – Remove Members of Congress Who Incited Riot and Demand Real Change From Biden

Congresswoman Tlaib says impeach Trump and use the 14th amendment against others responsible for attack on the Capitol. Tlaib says people should demand Biden urgently deal with poverty and inequality and not cater to corporate interests. Rashida Tlaib on with Paul Jay.

The Significance of the “Shit Show” Debate – Panitch, Day, Horne & Jay

The Significance of the “Shit Show” Debate – Panitch, Day, Horne & Jay

Prof. Leo Panitch, Jacobin writer Meagan Day, and Historian Gerald Horne join Paul Jay to analyze the Presidential debate and the underlying reasons why the U.S. political system is in disarray. They discuss how the people’s movement will respond to a possible Trump coup if he loses the election.

A Massive People’s Movement Can Prevent Trump Stealing the Election

A Massive People’s Movement Can Prevent Trump Stealing the Election

Prof. Allan Jay Lichtman has correctly predicted the outcome of every election since 1984. His model says Biden will win the vote in 2020, but he thinks Trump is planning to work with Republican governors and secretaries of state to rig the final result. Only a people’s movement on a massive scale can prevent a Trump coup says Paul Jay. Prof. Lichtman is the guest on podcast.

Only a Mass Movement Can Make Biden Deliver on Promises – Branco Marcetic

Only a Mass Movement Can Make Biden Deliver on Promises – Branco Marcetic

Will Joe Biden cast aside decades of conservative political wisdom and lead us to an FDR style presidency he’s talked about, or is this another case of Biden telling voters exactly what he thinks they want to hear? Branco Marcetic author of ‘Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden’, joins Paul Jay on podcast.

Cold War Radar System a Trillion-Dollar Fraud –  Lester Earnest on RAI Pt 1/5

Cold War Radar System a Trillion-Dollar Fraud – Lester Earnest on RAI Pt 1/5

Profit and deception drove cold-war militarization, says Lester Earnest, founder of the Artificial Intelligence Lab at Stanford; Earnest says the anti-nuclear bomber SAGE radar system never worked and carried on for 25 years – Lester Earnest on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 24, 2018.

The Doomsday Machine and Nuclear Winter – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI Pt 11/13
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The Doomsday Machine and Nuclear Winter – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI Pt 11/13

An H-Bomb first strike will create firestorms and smoke that ends most human life; this is a fact ignored by military planners and by the Trump administration which doesn’t believe in climate science – says Daniel Ellsberg on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 23, 2018, with Paul Jay.

The Rich Have an Escape Plan –  RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 5/6
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The Rich Have an Escape Plan – RAI with Rana Foroohar Pt 5/6

On Reality Asserts Itself, Ms. Foroohar says many wealthy people understand that the climate crisis, deep recession, and war are real threats, but they believe “apres moi le deluge [after me comes the floods];” the Financial Times columnist and author of “Makers and Takers” said many of the rich have escape plans thinking “they can avoid the apocalypse” – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced May 9, 2018.

Obama Chose Wall St. Over Main St. – Thomas Frank on RAI (8/9)

Obama Chose Wall St. Over Main St. – Thomas Frank on RAI (8/9)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Thomas Frank says the Democratic Party must acknowledge that in 2008 the crash and the discrediting of Bush, created conditions for much a more progressive policy – but Obama did not step up; with host Paul Jay. This episode was produced on December 29, 2017.

Clinton and Obama Helped Make the Democrats a Wall Street Party – Thomas Frank on RAI (7/9)

Clinton and Obama Helped Make the Democrats a Wall Street Party – Thomas Frank on RAI (7/9)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Thomas Frank, author of Listen Liberal, says Democratic Party administrations allowed the big banks to run economic policy and create exploding income inequality – with host Paul Jay. This episode was produced on December 28, 2017.

The Miners Strike Taught Me to Think Critically – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 2/4
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The Miners Strike Taught Me to Think Critically – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 2/4

On Reality Asserts Itself, actor Gabriel Byrne says that in the ’70s, being Irish in London was like being a Muslim now; PM Thatcher’s campaign to crush the miners union in 1984 helped him understand how the media were anti-working class and anti-union – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced December 24, 2017.

Corporate Democrats Persecute Whistleblowers – RAI with Norman Solomon (pt 4/4)

Corporate Democrats Persecute Whistleblowers – RAI with Norman Solomon (pt 4/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on June 8, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Norman Solomon of the Bernie Delegates Network tells Paul Jay that when it comes to defending the deep state, there’s really no difference between the two parties.

Can the Democratic Party Be Reformed? – RAI with Norman Solomon (pt 3/4)

Can the Democratic Party Be Reformed? – RAI with Norman Solomon (pt 3/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on June 6, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Norman Solomon of the Bernie Delegates Network tells Paul Jay that corporate Democrats should be vigorously fought in primaries, but this is also a moment like 1930’s Germany where a united front is necessary to defeat Trump and Republicans.

Fight for Chair of the California Democratic Party – RAI with Norman Solomon (pt 1/4)

Fight for Chair of the California Democratic Party – RAI with Norman Solomon (pt 1/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on May 18, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Norman Solomon of the Bernie Delegates Network tells Paul Jay that the California fight reflects a much larger struggle within the party between progressives and corporate Democrats.

Nina Turner Kept Off DNC Stage as Punishment for Supporting Sanders – RAI (pt 2/4)

Nina Turner Kept Off DNC Stage as Punishment for Supporting Sanders – RAI (pt 2/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on January 18, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Nina Turner, leading Bernie Sanders surrogate during the primary, tells host Paul Jay that when she moved her support from Clinton to Sanders, she was accused of betraying the party that she should be grateful for – and she answered: “I’m not on the plantation anymore”.

RAI with Former Weatherman Bill Ayers – Pt 3/3
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RAI with Former Weatherman Bill Ayers – Pt 3/3

In an interview that took place days before Trump was elected President, Bill Ayers discusses what needs to be done as we head into a ”form of friendly-looking and familiar fascism or some other form of extreme social disintegration”. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 13, 2016, with Paul Jay.

Corporate Media Perpetuates Climate Science Denial – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 4/4
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Corporate Media Perpetuates Climate Science Denial – Gabriel Byrne on RAI Pt 4/4

On Reality Asserts Itself, Gabriel Byrne says that mutant capitalism seeks only profit and corporate media’s agenda avoids the climate crisis; Byrne says its up to us, no superhero will save us – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 27, 2017.

‘We the People’ Force Confronts Democratic Party Leadership in ’64  – Bob Moses on RAI Pt 9/9

‘We the People’ Force Confronts Democratic Party Leadership in ’64 – Bob Moses on RAI Pt 9/9

Sad news that Bob Moses, a leader of the civil rights movement, died on July 25, 2021. We commemorate his work with a replay of his appearance on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, first released on June 20, 2014. On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Moses recounts the story of challenging the racist Dixiecrats at the ’64 Democratic Convention; says what’s needed now is black and white workers to create a ‘We the People’ force to challenge the elites in both parties.