Workers’ Movements in Revolutionary Iran and Europe – Saeed Rahnema part 2/2

Workers’ Movements in Revolutionary Iran and Europe – Saeed Rahnema part 2/2

In part 2, political scientist Dr. Saeed Rahnema discusses his experience in the workers’ council movement leading up to and during the Iranian Revolution of 1979-1980 and addresses the Islamic Republic’s opposition to unions.  He also contends that modern-day working classes in the West are ideologically and culturally segmented and that the left has failed to mobilize at numerous historical junctures.

The (In)conceivability of Real Workers’ Control – Saeed Rahnema part 1/2

The (In)conceivability of Real Workers’ Control – Saeed Rahnema part 1/2

The workers’ council movement took shape in several forms across Europe, Russia, Tito’s Yugoslavia, Algeria, and Iran. Political scientist Dr. Saeed Rahnema discusses the failure of workers’ councils in these different historical contexts and traces out the tensions between workers’ control and workers’ participation under capitalism. Is real workers’ control feasible under capitalism, and do struggles for increased workers’ participation and higher wages necessarily lead to workers’ control? 

The Assertion of Popular Power: A Climate Movement Imperative – Jason W. Moore pt 2/2
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The Assertion of Popular Power: A Climate Movement Imperative – Jason W. Moore pt 2/2

In part 2, historian and geographer Jason W. Moore explains why climate and revolutionary struggles must understand capitalist dynamics and deploy a language of universal class solidarity to overthrow transnational power structures perpetuating the climate crisis.

Practical Radicalism: Community Wealth Building with Neil McInroy

Practical Radicalism: Community Wealth Building with Neil McInroy

One of the few working-class movements scoring victories, democratizing ownership, and gaining momentum is the method of economic development called Community Wealth Building (CWB). Colin Bruce Anthes interviews Neil McInroy of the Democracy Collaborative on how CWB works, what it has accomplished so far, and its potential to lead a “new common sense” movement beyond neoliberal capitalism.

Why the Soviet Union Imploded – Jeffrey Sommers (pt 2)

Why the Soviet Union Imploded – Jeffrey Sommers (pt 2)

The Soviet Union became dependent on easy energy sales, and consumer production stagnated, says Sommers. Gorbachev’s democratic and economic reforms supposedly meant to head towards a European style social-democracy, but instead created conditions for the rise of the oligarchs and the free for all of the ‘90s. Jeffrey Sommers joins Paul Jay on

No Bosses: A New Economy for a Better World (pt 1/3)

No Bosses: A New Economy for a Better World (pt 1/3)

Long-time activist and author Michael Albert outlines his vision for a post-capitalist and classless economic system, known as participatory economics and based on his most recent book, No Bosses (Zer0 Books, 2021). In this first part, Paul Jay and Michael Albert talk about the importance of economic vision and the rationale behind re-organizing the workplace on the basis of self-management and a non-corporate division of labor.

No Bosses: A New Economy for a Better World (pt 2/3)

No Bosses: A New Economy for a Better World (pt 2/3)

How would remuneration and the allocation of goods and services look like in a post-capitalist participatory economic system? In this second part of our discussion with Michael Albert, the author of the book, No Bosses (Zer0 Books, 2021), he talks to Greg Wilpert about the contours of an economic vision that fulfills the values of self-management, solidarity, diversity, equity, sustainability, and participation.

Is China Socialist or State Capitalist? – Hudson and Bond pt 1/2
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Is China Socialist or State Capitalist? – Hudson and Bond pt 1/2

Will China resist financialization and lead the way on climate policy, or is it a form of capitalism that will not reduce inequalities much further and isn’t serious about phasing out fossil fuel? Michael Hudson and Patrick Bond in a discussion about what we can expect from the CCP. Note: this was recorded before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Get Organized to Win! – Jane McAlevey pt 1/8
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Get Organized to Win! – Jane McAlevey pt 1/8

One of the world’s leading “organizers’ organizer” Jane McAlevey has trained thousands of activists in building more militant unions and winning electoral organizing; she sees the fight for effective unions as critical to winning transformative climate policy. Jane tells her story to Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Socialism – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (12/12)

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Socialism – RAI with Aleksandr Buzgalin (12/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Aleksandr Buzgalin says the conditions for socialism did not exist in the 1920s but now they do, but there will be many zigs and zags getting there – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 29, 2018.

Balancing Coming from a Police Family with Holding Cops Accountable – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 4/4)

Balancing Coming from a Police Family with Holding Cops Accountable – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 4/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on January 20, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Nina Turner, whose husband is a retired cop and son is active duty, tells host Paul Jay that police need to be held accountable, but so do policymakers who are responsible for stagnant wages and chronic poverty.

“Any Democrat Won’t Do” – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 3/4)

“Any Democrat Won’t Do” – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 3/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on January 19, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Nina Turner, leading Bernie Sanders surrogate during the primary, tells host Paul Jay that Democrats and progressives need to stand up and challenge establishment Democrats in the primaries all across the country. “Either you’re with the people, or you’re not.”

Nina Turner Kept Off DNC Stage as Punishment for Supporting Sanders – RAI (pt 2/4)

Nina Turner Kept Off DNC Stage as Punishment for Supporting Sanders – RAI (pt 2/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on January 18, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Nina Turner, leading Bernie Sanders surrogate during the primary, tells host Paul Jay that when she moved her support from Clinton to Sanders, she was accused of betraying the party that she should be grateful for – and she answered: “I’m not on the plantation anymore”.

“The Democratic Party Can’t Just Whisper Sweet Nothings Anymore” – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 1/4)

“The Democratic Party Can’t Just Whisper Sweet Nothings Anymore” – Nina Turner on RAI (pt 1/4)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on January 17, 2017. On Reality Asserts Itself, Nina Turner, former Ohio State Senator and leading Bernie Sanders surrogate during the primary, tells host Paul Jay that she grew up poor, believing in the Democratic Party and the Clintons, but she came to understand the failure of the Party to serve the needs of the African-American community and poor white workers.

Reaganism and Thatcherism were Intellectually Dishonest – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI Pt 1/5
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Reaganism and Thatcherism were Intellectually Dishonest – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI Pt 1/5

Mr. Flassbeck, former director of UNCTAD, discusses growing up in a US-dominated Germany and his opposition to the birth of neoliberal economics. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced July 25, 2014, with Paul Jay.

The Promise and Limitations of Worker Co-ops – Gar Alperovitz on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 4/5)

The Promise and Limitations of Worker Co-ops – Gar Alperovitz on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 4/5)

This interview was originally released on January 27, 2014. Mr. Alperovitz tells Paul Jay that the experience of Spain’s Mondragon, the world’s largest workers’ co-op, shows that workers’ ownership can go to scale, but on their own co-ops will not transform society or the economy.

Are Nader Like Reforms Still Possible – Ralph Nader on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 2/3)

Are Nader Like Reforms Still Possible – Ralph Nader on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 2/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on December 19, 2013. On RAI with Paul Jay, Ralph Nader says the reforms of the 1960s and ’70s are no longer possible as Congress is bought and sold by a small number of very rich people and commercial interests.

McCarthyism Made Us Veer Away From a Systemic Doctrine for Change – Ralph Nader on RAI (pt 1/3)

McCarthyism Made Us Veer Away From a Systemic Doctrine for Change – Ralph Nader on RAI (pt 1/3)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on December 18, 2013. On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, Ralph Nader says McCarthy’s reign of terror made people seek empirical change, like seeking legislative reforms to make safer cars, to avoid being associated with socialism.

The Liberal Elite has Betrayed the People they Claim they Defend – Chris Hedges on RAI (5/7)

The Liberal Elite has Betrayed the People they Claim they Defend – Chris Hedges on RAI (5/7)

On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, Chris Hedges says the Democratic Party used to watch out for the interests of labor and even for the poor. But that all changed under Bill Clinton. Although Clinton, like Obama, continues to speak in that feel-your-pain language of traditional liberalism, they’ve completely betrayed the very people that they purport to represent and defend. This episode was produced on July 22, 2013.