The (In)conceivability of Real Workers’ Control – Saeed Rahnema part 1/2

The (In)conceivability of Real Workers’ Control – Saeed Rahnema part 1/2

The workers’ council movement took shape in several forms across Europe, Russia, Tito’s Yugoslavia, Algeria, and Iran. Political scientist Dr. Saeed Rahnema discusses the failure of workers’ councils in these different historical contexts and traces out the tensions between workers’ control and workers’ participation under capitalism. Is real workers’ control feasible under capitalism, and do struggles for increased workers’ participation and higher wages necessarily lead to workers’ control? 

To Win We Need Strong Militant Unions – Jane McAlevey pt 6/8

To Win We Need Strong Militant Unions – Jane McAlevey pt 6/8

“We’re not going to win anything in the broader society if we don’t start with the foundation of strong worksite unions and organizing workers who may not agree with us. Under a capitalist system, the single most powerful thing workers can do is walk off the job and stop production.” Jane McAlevey joins Paul Jay on

Get Organized to Win! – Jane McAlevey pt 1/8
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Get Organized to Win! – Jane McAlevey pt 1/8

One of the world’s leading “organizers’ organizer” Jane McAlevey has trained thousands of activists in building more militant unions and winning electoral organizing; she sees the fight for effective unions as critical to winning transformative climate policy. Jane tells her story to Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself.

The Promise and Limits of Black Lives Matter – Cedric Johnson

The Promise and Limits of Black Lives Matter – Cedric Johnson

Does the “Black Lives Matter” framing of the protests undermine the potential for much broader alliances? It’s not just black people who are being over-policed, it’s all working-class people and in particular, the most dispossessed. Cedric Johnson joins Paul Jay on podcast.